Night Guardian


        I approached the door and opened it. Sigmund in his cloak knelt in front of us. He had his double sword with him with a stain of sticky blood and might've killed that monster.

"Sigmund, come in!"

        He came late since there's a commotion in the Psyche and he's needed. I pointed him to the bathroom.

"You can clean up in the bathroom." I locked the door.

He nodded and removed his cloak. I pointed the hook to him. He put it there. He went to the bathroom. I put Daren on the sofa and he leaned there like an old man. Then, I put pillows at each of his sides and in his front as he watched the television.

"Masen!" Andrew called out. Masen came shortly with his laptop.


"Check this out! Can you hack something like this?" Masen scratched his head.

"Sure, I will." Masen nodded. Then, the guardian came out from the bathroom and he nearly fell from his seat.

"That's Sigmund, Daren's guardian."