Hundreds of Lashes


        Now that they can't multiply my using my DNA, they decided to bring me back to the cell and give me a hundred lashes just to tell them where Bethany goes. They tried to retrieve the video in the area but Bethany is a good hacker as she froze it and even deleted our conversation.

        The music still goes on and on even though they shut down the area. They also mentioned that they have to move to an area. I just kneel there gripping on the necklace that Bethany gave to me. She gave me hope. I just need to wait as they are done with a hundred lashes but they stopped counting and keep whipping me until Abyss came.

"Stop that." Abyss said. They stopped and bowed at him. They left the cell and I looked at him.

"Hey, Abyss. I am not enjoying the whip, by the way."

"Since when did you become humorous Nicholas?"