Lost in Magical World


        I fall my butt down on the grass. I groaned and found a sword next to me. I still feel dizzy from the speed up that Sirilla made and now, I teleported to the place that Patrick showed me in my head and I think I am here now. I looked at the pair of weird shoes. I quickly took the claymore that I saw beside me and stood and pointed it to him.

        He laughed at me.

"Do you even know how to use that?" He asked with that sexy French accent.

        I looked around. The beautiful garden just he portrayed. Then, statues and French Château. Then, there's this handsome tall guy smiling at me.

"That's not funny!" I said and pointed the sword to him. 

"That's a heavy threat by pointing that sword, Milady."

"You sound weird." Then I thought for a while. Am I in the inside world?

"How weird is it?" He asked and stepped forward. I lifted the heavy sword in front of him.