Letter of Lost Love


 The wind brushed her air as she lifted her forefinger as the dove perched. She turned to me with a smile.

"I think I got a letter from someone," Almira said. I approached her and took the ribbon and the letter from the dove's ankle. "That looks like a Psyche," Almira said. I didn't open the letter. I checked the written name outside it. Masen?

"It seems like Bethany is in Psyche and she had a goodbye letter for Masen."

"Maybe it's a love letter," Almira said as the dove flew away.

 My hand intertwined with her as we walked to the control room. I tapped my ID and then, I entered with my wife. Masen is listening to depressing songs. I patted Masen and hugged him from behind then I kissed his head. He threw my arms away and resisted my touch.

"Don't be choosy. You want hugs. You need hugs." I lifted the small rolled paper for him. He took it and inspected it first. Then, he unfurled the letter.