New Elder


       From the outside world, I brought my wife and my son with me. I held my wife's hand with my son on my other arm as we faced the King. He smiled and stood from his throne after we acknowledged him. He approached us and smiled at my son.

"Hey there, little one."

       Daren lifted his hand to him. He's now one year old and our time Outside World runs faster than the inside world. I just noticed it when Bethany and Adhiti came from the Inside World. Daren reached the King. It looked at the King as he reached my son. I gave Daren to him and it seemed like they got along.

       He lifted Daren and my boy laughed beautifully.

"I think we get along. If only I can keep him." King Damien said. The servant from Princess Amanda's castle came and bowed down.

"Your Majesty, Princess Amanda ask for you back in her house."

       My eyes widened as I read the servant's head.