Death and Pain


 Those birds seemed stronger than Aer birds because Abyss's children are with them. They attack the dragons as one dragon falls. Few retreated as the Phrixus squealed, calling them out to retreat. But they kept coming and kept attacking the dragons. I used the air to shoo them away and Phrixus came to his children blowing fire at them. I raised my hand and nodded at the kids who had gifts. 

 They nodded but just before they used their gifts, something struck their chest out from my eyes. A black spear is right into their chest. I turned around seeing Abyss just behind them smiling at me. He knew well that hurting them is hurting me. 

 I watched as they fell on the floor together with it my tears rolled down my cheeks. 

"Goddess, I'm sorry." One of them mumbled as blood came out from their mouths. I approached them and raised my hand to bring them above the world. So, Abyss won't ever have it. 

 I turned to Abyss and watched him smile.