
—Flame of Pyr—

 It's midnight and I lay down to sleep when lightning strikes somewhere near. I closed my eyes to ignore it but something caught my attention. A big firelight from my window caught my attention and people's screams. I immediately slipped off from my bed, got on my feet, and ran to the window. Wildfire is spreading on the fields. People are screaming for help. I immediately rang the bell and went downstairs with my robe. 

"Your majesty! We don't have someone who brings water to the fields at the moment." 

"Gather up everyone," I told him. I sent out a bird to Psyche and Hydor to ask for help. Then, quickly I climbed up to my horse and ran to the fields with the knights. Lightning strikes again on the same field and the fire grows stronger. "Goddess of Earth," I mumbled. My back twisted in pain and I groaned. I almost fell from my horse but a strong hand pulled me up and I turned to my General.