Duties and Family

—Queen Nixie—

 Everything looked familiar to me. The most familiar one is the mirror. I already loved the mirror. Former King Wade told me that he gave it to me. He said it in the past tense and I don't quite understand it. I turned around to my mother Marissa. Although she wasn't my real mother, for me, she's my mom. We visited my real parent's grave back in Psyche before I and my twin brother were separated. It's a peach tree that grows in the middle of the battlefield. 

"I already read this," I told Lord Sullivan that was teaching me at this moment. Our professor Achbar helped me with it. At the moment, he's with my brother to help him rule around. I heard from him that he knew everything about Pyr and he knew how to rule it. He also mentioned to me that he's the first King that was gifted by the Goddess. Everything will be easy for him but for me, I don't know. I am not fit to be the Queen.