Closing of Portals


 She just appeared out of nowhere and she smiled at me. Goddess of Love? I never see her coming down to visit a few people. Is she here to bound someone's soul? 

"I'm here because the portals that Abyss's made become a gate to release all of the demons from the underworld. They will create more chaos than we expected. So, we sent guardians from your realm to close it. We need you to close it." 

 It's my job to do it. I looked at my happy siblings. 

"You can't send them away at the moment until it is close. There are portals on every kingdom." 

"I will close it. Don't worry." 

 She bowed her head and disappeared. 

"Nicholas," I called and my handsome guardian quickly appeared in front of me. "We need to close the portals." I turned to Guinevere quickly. "We need your light to send them back to the underworld." 

"I will work on that."