Mark of the Devil


I reached Bethany's stomach and made her lean on her bed as I healed her. They are trying to take the soul of the baby on her stomach and I won't let that happen. Seeing Calvin worried made my stomach clenched. I felt Nicholas's hand on my shoulder. We both closed our eyes as we seek inside her body to remove the demon that's bugging her. Nicholas came out from his body into an astral form. He opened his staff showing the sharp blade and pressed it to the Demon's core. 

Bethany screamed in pain and slowly, Nicholas sealed the demon into a light circle. God of Death approached us in his astral form holding a scythe scooping the demon. Goddess of Soul took the demon and they disappeared. Nicholas went back to his body and Bethany exhaled and held her husband. 

Mariel came with clean towels and Calvin cleaned up his wife and kissed her forehead. There are stains of blood on her clothes and on the sheets and pillow.