The Past


 The servants were busy packing up dresses. We will sail in Era in a few hours for the celebration of the fifth birthday of the Crown Prince. I wanted to see another Kingdom besides Hydor and Psyche. Maybe it will make me forget what I had dreamed of. I reached my neck where I felt a prick of a needle back in that dream. 

"Your majesty?" I looked up at my mother and she smiled at me. "Hey," She caressed my hair. "Why do you look pale? Do you want to cancel our trip?" 

"No." I shook my head. "Where's Wade?" 

"Wade was summoned by Goddess Adhiti." 

"When will he come back?" 

"I don't know… but I'll let you know if he's back." 

"Thank you." 

"How about you nap a little bit? It'll be a long trip." 

"I'll be fine, Mama." 

 Marissa sat down beside me and hugged me. 

"Tell me what you need, okay?" 
