
—Queen Nixie of Hydor— 

 It's seven in the morning and people gather in the main hall in the town. They had arrived. I made few changes for the past few days here in Hydor. Including the cutting of few taxes. Wade was studying to cut and what the effects were but I found an alternate. This time, I would let the people vote on what to do with these selfish royals. From murders, treason, and uneven rules. 

"This will be the last time that I'll be on your side. But I promise to watch you over from the above." Wade spoke as he reached my hand. I pressed my lips and turned to him. 

"I'm old enough to take care of myself," I told him. 

"Hmm, it felt like you became matured overnight." 

"I was meant to be alone. And I should stop being a baby and let Mama spoil me." 

 He patted my head. 

"That's my girl." 

 I faced the town people again from the bungalow of the castle. It's time to pay for their sins.