The Marketplace(Hazel)

Hazel had not meant to wander off from the area when Fayre had left her there.

When Fayre had first asked her if she had seen Zylvia she had felt a little worried for the young women. Hazel wouldn't say she was close to Zylvia. But the queen was, and Hazel found herself liking Fayre.

She found herself respecting both women. Any women who didn't give Asrar fawning looks was alright in her book. Well, unless they were magic users. She was rather glad she had not seen any magic since coming here. Though she had overheard Lily and Rose sounding disappointed about this same thing.

Hazel continued looking at the different stalls, despite feeling worry for the other two females. Especially Fayre, she was pregnant after all.

While looking distractedly at the stalls she bumped into someone. Another women, middle aged, had grey in her otherwise black hair. The two stared blankly at each other in a daze.

"My princess, are thoust all right?" Asrar helped her to her feet.

"Yes, I am fine." She turned to the older women, "I am sorry about that. My mind was elsewhere. Can you stand?"

"Ah, no problems." The women tried to stand but grimaced, "I seem to have twisted my ankle."

Hazel had Asrar help her move the older women away from the market place so she could rest a while. They found a stone bench and helped her sit on it.

"Thank you," A friendly smile lit up her face. "You are the visiting princess if I am not mistaken, correct?"

"How did you know?"

"Well I've never seen you before and he called you princess so it wasn't hard to figure out."

Oh. That made sense. "Yes, I am. May I ask who you are?"

"My name's Celia, your highness. Amriel sounds like such a wonderful place."

"I certainly miss it. But Carendlus has a few nice things about it too. I love the marketplace."

"Yes, we have a rather nice market, but it is rather scary when you never know who might be practicing magic."

Hazel was surprised. She hadn't expected to meet someone who distrusted magic here. "My thoughts exactly! Isn't there a way to tell?"

The woman shrugged, "There can be from what I've heard. I don't know why it is even allowed though."

Hazel nodded seriously, "Right. I can't make sense of it!"


"My princess, the queen wilt be anxious if she returns and finds thee not where she left thee." Asrar placed his hand on her arm and smiled apologetically at the woman.

"Oh, right! I am sorry, perhaps we can talk later?" She began to walk back to where Fayre had said to stay.

"Hazel, I do not think thoust should get involved in the local politics here," Asrar looked at her with worry in his eyes.

"But magic is-"

She noticed a flash of something in his beautiful eyes. "Surely thou hast heard that some people are naturally born with magic in their very blood. Shouldst they be punished for how they were born?"

"Since when have you been sympathetic towards magic users," Hazel stared at her best friend shocked at the sudden outburst.

"..." He fell quiet for a moment, "Perhaps thou does not know as much about me as thou would like to think thoust does." It came out rather quietly. She felt a sense of loneliness. Why was Asrar always pushing her away? Why couldn't he see how she felt?

She forced a smile, "Oh, but I know every embarrassing thing you have ever done. Like-"

"Alright. Alright, my princess," Asrar shook his head, "Still thou should not get involved. It would only bring trouble for thine father."

Oh, of course. Asrar was most likely right of course, she turned away with a sigh. It really wasn't any of her business how they conducted themselves here.

"..." She still felt hurt about what her best friend had said and fell into her thoughts.

"Is everything alright?" Fayre's voice suddenly came. Hazel hadn't noticed her. Zylvia was behind her with her arms filled

"Yeah everything's fine," Hazel smiled, though she was still puzzled about what Asrar had said. "You found Zylvia?"

"Yeah, she went on a snack run." Fayre shook her head.

Zylvia let out an embarrassed laugh, "Heh, want any?" She held out the snacks in her arms.

Hazel accepted a few, "You have a good eye for excellent food."

"Don't encourage her."

Though she laughed with the other two girls Hazel's heart wasn't in it. Her heart was aching due to her small fight with Asrar. They really were growing apart, and she had no idea why.

As she walking despondently in whatever direction they were going she suddenly felt Asrar jerk her back. Her startled eyes met his serious ones as he released her.

"My princess," His voice was quiet, "Please do watch where thou ist going."

She looked away feeling irritated. Why did he have to show such concern to her? Just because it was his job? But it made her feel so confused. She felt like she no longer knew who the real Asrar was, the cold knight, the protective servant, or her warm best friend? She spent the rest of the day pondering this and didn't actually fall asleep that night until it was rather late.