Feeling Lazy

Kaldrek had been working steadily on his task of fixing the broken stone. Zylvia was watching him from where she was laying on their bed. She had been feeling a bit tired the last few days and had finally just told the queen that she was just going to rest today.

As far as she could tell, her husband was almost done with fixing said stone. It had reacquired its healthy glow and the cracks were no longer visible. Watching him checking it methodically made her hide a small smile at the serious look on his face.

Despite how busy he had been with this job the last few days, he had still given her lots of attention. Whenever he was not working he was very likely to be pulling her into his arms and kissing her. Just the thought of it made Zylvia grin widely. It was something she was getting used to, her husband showering her with shows of tenderness and affection. She wanted nothing more than to believe it to be his real and true feelings towards her. Even if she was deluding herself, he had not really given her any cause to believe otherwise. In fact, his every action towards her was filled with so much consideration that it was actually highly believable that he might have some tender feelings towards her.

Though he had never told her so - this was the biggest detail that bugged Zylvia. They had been married almost two weeks, and he had yet to tell her exactly what he felt towards her, if anything. She had decided that she was okay if he did not love her immediately, just so long as he was getting there. After all he had not really asked for a relationship of this kind with her.

Zylvia was broken out of her musings when her husband stretched, leaning backwards and looking at her. He had a bright, warm smile on his lips. He looked incredibly happy despite the exhausted look that was on his face.

She did not move as her husband walked towards her and sat beside of her. She felt rather lazy right now and even Kaldrek did not stir her out of it. Not that he was particularly trying, in fact, if anything, he was making it worse by stroking her hair gently. It made her want to fall asleep entirely.

"Tomorrow, I'll be able to set the stone back up," Kaldrek murmured as he wrapped his arm about her and laid down beside of her, his hand still tugging gently at her hair. She rather liked the warmth and comfort that came from her husband's sudden hugs.

"Mmm..." Still feeling lazy, this was all the reply she gave. She closed her eyes and leaned into him. Even if she was feeling tired, cuddling with Kaldrek did not expend much energy, and they both enjoyed it.

"And then I can work with you on your magic," The happy note to his tone of voice was hard to miss. Zylvia smiled as she buried her head in his arms. Kaldrek was more excited about this then she was. There was something about his obvious excitement that was adorable. It also clued her in on what sort of father he would be when that time came. She was pretty sure all their children would be taught some kind of magic. If, for some reason, they were not sorcerers, then they would probably end up wizards. She did not exactly think Kaldrek would force them to learn, but children quite often would pick up what their parents were most excited about.

She felt something soft brush against her cheek. At the kiss from her husband she looked up at him. As Kaldrek placed a kiss on her forehead, she closed her eyes enjoying his attention, but feeling too tired to properly respond. She felt him kiss her nose, and then her other cheek. Zylvia found herself anticipating a soft brush of his lips on hers but it did not come.

She reopened her eyes and looked into his own. There was a helpless smile on his face as he looked at her. Was he trying to be considerate of the fact that she was tired? She had mentioned it to him when she had re-plopped herself on their bed a few hours ago. But...she had really wanted that kiss.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to meet her. Since he had not given her that soft kiss she instead gave him a deeper, more satisfying one. Being tired did not mean she was going to entirely ignore her husband. Especially when she found it so enjoyable to give him attention.

When they finally broke apart, Kaldrek grinned at her, "I thought you were tired, Zylv. Not that I am complaining."

"If I am tired, isn't that your fault?" She nestled herself back into his arms, burying her face in his chest. "And, though I may be tired, I still do not want to ignore my husband."

"Well, uh," Zylvia knew Kaldrek was probably blushing right now, "Zylv, I, umm, I am sorry if I wore you out, and umm, thanks for not holding it against me."

Zylvia hid a smile against his chest. It was kinda cute when her husband started floundering with words. He was after all pretty well spoken normally. "I would never be upset about it, my dear sorcerer, I just need a little bit of time to rest."

"Then rest," She could feel Kaldrek shaking his head, "Instead of watching me."

She dozed off as he held her. Though she did not completely go to sleep, she was in a half state of it, and was rather relaxed. The fact that her husband held her throughout made her feel overjoyed.