Be Safe, Okay?

When Zylvia woke up, Kaldrek had already gotten dressed. He was leaning over her with a smile on his face. "Mornin' Zylv, I am going to be out for a while, I'll be back by lunch."

She nodded as she stretched out, "Alright, then, be safe, okay?"

Her husband's smile grew even warmer as he kissed her forehead, "Mhmm...Thanks, Zylv."

As he was about to stand up, she caught his arm, and pulled him down so she could kiss him. "For luck." She stroked his cheek gently, wanting to be near him for a minute more before he left.

He pressed her hand gently, "I'll see you soon, my dear wife. Don't miss me too much, alright?"

She nodded as he left. A sigh escaped her lips. Don't miss him? It was impossible not to. However, he was dealing with something important so she could not ask him to stay, and it was good for them not to spend every minute of the day together anyway.

She smiled to herself. He had waited till she woke up to leave, so that she would not wake up alone. How thoughtful of him. It was little things like this that made her all the more aware of just how good of a catch she had married. It had always surprised her that he had never had all that many girl's striving for his attention. She could only think of a few other than her and they had given up fairly quickly.

She got dressed as she mused on this. Of course she was glad that she had never really had all that much competition, but she had always wondered at it. Perhaps it was just that most people found him a little bit intimidating. Or maybe it was actually the result of a certain reputation he had of casually, almost as if by accident, of insulting those woman who did show interest, by acting as if he did not understand. She was rather glad he had not done this to her, as she was not sure how awkward that would have been.

Zylvia left their room, feeling lonely as she went to breakfast. This was the first time since they had married that they would not eat the morning meal together. It was hard not to miss it. She focused on enjoying the food, reminding herself that a month ago she had not even got to see him on a daily basis.

After eating she cleaned up and then went to accompany her best friend. Fayre was diligently working, with a huge smile on her face. The promise of motherhood really did set well on her. Zylvia smiled to herself, once again feeling extremely happy for her friend. "Morning Fayre."

"Oh! Morning Zylv," Fayre smile grew a little brighter, "Are you feeling better, this morning?"

"Yeah, I got plenty of rest." She still felt just a little bit tired but it was manageable. Not enough to complain about.

"Good," Fayre beamed, "I was worried about you."

Zylvia giggled, "So was Kaldrek...he forced me to go to bed early."

Fayre nodded, "Undoubtedly, your husband might ignore his own health but he cares about his friend's. And I think he cares about yours more as you are his lady."

"Yeah, he is very caring, and kind," Zylvia shook her head, "So how are you handling your pregnancy?"

"I think fairly well, but it is still rather early to tell. My husband has been treating me as if i could break at any moment though."

Zylvia stifled a laugh, "Yes, I think we all noticed that, he isn't very subtle about it." For a brief moment, it flashed through her mind to wonder how Kaldrek would act if he got her pregnant. She was not actually sure if he would panic over her or not.

"He isn't, is he?" Fayre shook her head helplessly, "But it does make a girl feel loved."

Hazel entered looking smug about something. Her knight, who she left outside, did not look nearly as happy. In fact it was the most emotion Zylvia had ever seen on his face, and he looked rather unhappy, in fact downright miserable. She wondered what the girl had done to him.

"You seem happy," Zylvia noted.

"I've been working at trying to break down Asrar's walls," Hazel rolled her eyes, "And I seem to have found a method that works." She did not elaborate and Zylvia was a little afraid to ask.

The morning passed by fairly quickly. Zylvia realized that she was not as wary of the younger woman's presence anymore. Perhaps it was because of how much she valued her friend and was willing to accept even the part of him that was something she had been taught to fear.