A Frightening Prospect

Zylvia watched as her husband stiffened when he heard the scream. She understood, it was in her husband's nature to protect people. He was already moving towards the door.

He paused, "Zylv, dear, stay here please....I don't want you getting hurt."

"No." She walked past him, "I am coming with you. And as long as I am with you I am not really in any danger."

Unable to waste time arguing with her, he sighed, "Fine. But stay with me and do as I say."

His footsteps were quick, hurried as he pretty much ran in the direction of the scream. Zylvia found it a little difficult to keep up. When they arrived at the corridor from which the scream had come, what they saw made Zylvia cover her mouth in worry.

Fayre was lying on the ground, blood pooling out from her. Zylvia ran over, worry about her friend clenched her heart. Kaldrek quickly followed her, his hands flickering some silent spell.

"I-is she okay?" A sob left Zylvia as she knelt by her.

"She is still breathing, elevate her head," Kaldrek pulled some cloth out of one of the pockets in his coat and pressed it against the wound in her stomach, "I sent a message to Jayesh."

She watched as he cast another spell, she was not sure what it was supposed to do, and looked at him in question.

"This was not an accident. I wanted to take a precaution, we can't really be any help to her if we get attacked."

She nodded, looking at her friend in worry, "Where is the villian that did this?"

Kaldrek shook his head, "I don't know. And I can't really go check when Fayre needs immediate first aid."

Zylvai looked at her best friend, and whispered, "Isn't there anything more we can do?"

"Not at the moment, I don't really have the equipment." A look of frustration came onto his face, "If she was not pregnant there are a few spells I know that could help...."

She took a shaky breath, her stomach twisting painfully. She felt scared, scared of losing teh first friend she had ever had.

Jayesh came in, worry in his eyes. Kaldrek looked up at him, "Here, take my place, I need to find who did this." Jayesh obediently did as Kaldrek said, looking a bit shell-shocked.

Zylvai looking at her husband's face saw a look there she had never seen before. His eyes were snapping in anger, and their was both a calmness but also a vibrant anger in his stance.

Jayesh spoke, his voice shaky, "I sent a guard to get someone to be able to help her better, we can't really move her can we?"

Kaldrek glanced at him as he was going to leave, "Good. hopefully they will be here soon."

They fell silent, Fayre's blood flow had lessened. Zylvia prayed that she would be okay. She was not sure how long they had been waiting when Kaldrek came back with a black dressed female. There were burn marks on the girl, and he had bound her with strips of cloth. The woman had a frightened look on her face.

"I thought you might have some questions for her," Kaldrek spoke in an oddly chilling manner, "So I left her alive."

The king nodded, "Thank you." He glared at the culprit, "Why?"

There was no answer forthcoming. The woman seemed to be shaking in fright, but she still kept her mouth shut. Her entire being was one that was afraid. Kaldrek kept an eye on the one that was responsible.

Finally, the priest Dev arrived, with a few other people to help. Zylvia felt thankful, priests were taught simple first aid.