I Love You

Zylvia was pleased to see that her best friend was doing better. She had been so scared when she had seen her lying on the ground bleeding. Fayre meant a lot to her, she was like the sister she had never had.

Jayesh had them leave though after a few minutes, claiming that his wife needed rest. He was probably right, even if Fayre was no longer in any danger she still looked pale from the blood loss.

Zylvia did not feel like doing anything. She was so drained from the fright she had suffered. Her appetite was even completely gone. She decided to just go lay down again, after all the way her mind was right now, she would not be able to be at all productive.

As she headed back to her bedroom, her husband followed her. He seemed awfully quiet. But he was probably feeling the same way she did.

When she climbed into bed, he started tucking her in. She found herself noticing a rather serious look in his eyes as he gazed down at her. His brow was lightly furrowed, as if he was deep in thought.

After he finished tucking her in, he lay on top of the covers on his side facing her. He started stroking her hair, gently running his hands through it.

"Are you not going to get in the covers?" She reached up to stroke his cheek.

"I..am not all that tired...I just want to be near you," His voice had a strange thick quality to it that was not usually there.

She shook her head at him with a smile as she curled up under the blankets, "Why? I can't be all that good of company when I am sleeping."

"Why-?" Kaldrek gazed at her blankly, "Because I...."

He paused as he took a deep breath and then moved even closer to her. His hand traced her cheek, softly cupping it in his touch. She found herself gazing into his beautiful storm grey eyes. There were so many emotions in them, she could get lost trying to decipher them.

He took another deep breath, as if he was trying to steady himself, "Because....I love you, Zylv." His words started to come in a rush as he held her gaze, "I love everything about you, your laugh, the way your eyes have of sparkling especially whenever your teasing me. I love the way you have of wrapping me around your finger without you even noticing. I love your smile, your intoxicating scent, your long fiery hair, your kisses. I love how kind you always are, how you put other people first, the sweetness that comes so naturally to you. I love when you worry about me, when you seek comfort from me, when you treat me like I am worth something to you. I love watching every little thing you do, whether it be walking, eating, even sleeping. Seeing you content makes me happy in a way nothing else does, and I would give anything to keep a smile on your face. I love you, my lady, my wife, my darling sweetheart."

Throughout his rant, Zylvia found herself just listening to him with wide eyes. She did not understand what suddenly brought this on. But she could not deny the thrills going through her as she gazed up at him. As he finished, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him without any restraint.

Molding against him, even through the blankets, she kissed him as long as she was physically capable of. She was deliriously happy as she did so, more so than she had been when they had kissed before. He loved her. He actually loved her. And from what he had been saying, deeper than she would have ever dared hope.

When she finally had to pull away, she still held onto him as she took deep breaths. "I..I love you too..more than I can say."

Kaldrek smiled at her gently, shaking out of the daze her sudden kiss had put him in, "I kinda figured...I mean...well, I can read actions." His cheeks reddened as he buried his face in the pillow next to her neck.

She laughed, "Well...I need to hear it...I need you to tell me you love me periodically."

Kaldrek laughed softly, "I've wanted to tell you for the longest time....but...I have trouble with this sort of thing." He paused, looking at her with a smile, "I think that it should be easier now, though."

She kissed him again, this time a bit more tamely, then snuggled up against him, feeling happy to be near her beloved. His arms wrapped around her cocooned form, as he hugged her close. Zylvia closed her eyes as she let herself drift back to sleep. She already felt slightly better, due to Kaldrek's sweet words to her.