
Zylvia tugged Kaldrek to go eat supper with her. She felt famished. Her husband did not seem to mind her hold on his arm. In fact from the glances she took of his face he had a soft smile on his face as he was looking at the position of her hand on his.

She could not help but wonder just why she had never noticed the way Kaldrek looked at her before. Well, he was doing it more openly now but still, when she thought about it, with the knowledge of his feelings that she now had, she realized that he had always looked at her differently.

As he was sitting her down and went to get them some food to eat, she smiled to herself. Knowing that her partner was as invested in their relationship as she was really did wonders for her emotional stability.

Her husband kissed her forehead as he went to sit next to her, sliding her food in front of her. She gave him a bright smile and pecked his cheek in return. She turned her attention to her food and happily started eating it. She was aware that Kaldrek was staring at her, but it no longer bothered her in the same way. Now it just made her want to blush.

A few minutes after they had started eating, the door opened as Jayesh carried Fayre in. Fayre had a sort of resigned look to her face as if she had decided against trying to get him to put her down.

Zylvia watched as the young king fussed over his wife, and sat her down, asking her if she was comfortable as he fetched her food. Fayre handled it fairly patiently, even smiling at him in assurance.

Zylvia grinned as she leaned forward to lightly tease them, "Did you two enjoy your alone time?"

Jayesh smiled gently, looking at his queen, "Very much so..."

Fayre shook her head at him, "Sorry about him chasing you away, Zylv."

"Oh, I did not mind," Zylvia's eyes twinkled as she spoke. Though she had enjoyed talking with her best friend, she was aware that Jayesh was probably feeling the need right now to constantly make sure that his beloved queen was okay. Besides, Zylvia had rather enjoyed giving attention to her husband.

"See, no need to dwell on it, right?" Jayesh flashed a smile at them all, as he slung an arm around his wife's shoulders. Fayre smiled at him, shaking her head at him in an exasperated manner, despite the look of deep infatuated love on her face.

"Of course not," Kaldrek murmured softly, "Besides, it's perfectly understandable that you would want to hover over your wife right now."

A slightly teasing look came onto Fayre's face, "Oh? Would you do the same to Zylv? If she had gotten hurt, would you hover around her in a similar fashion?"

A slight blush dusted Kaldrek's cheeks, as he coughed a little, "Well, if she let me..."

Zylvia felt a small happy smile lift her lips at her husband's words. She teased her lover, "I'm surprised you admitted that you would show concern..."

"Well," He glanced at her, "You are my friend, aren't you, love? I do care about all my friends."

Everyone stared at Kaldrek in slight shock, surprised at what he had just said. Zylvia was astonished that he had called her that in front of other people, and her cheeks quickly heated up.

The door came open, and Hazel walked in, followed by her knight. She was smiling, but stopped in puzzlement, "Why does everyone look so shocked?" She peered at Zylvia, "And why is Zylv blushing?"

Jayesh suddenly grinned, "Seems like you're learning, my friend! I'm glad for your wife's sake."

Hazel looked puzzled, "Did I miss something?" She turned and looked at her somewhat miserable knight as if hoping he could shed some light on the subject. He said nothing and raised a brow at her.

"Are you alright, Zylv?" Kaldrek leaned towards her, a bit of worry on his face, though Zylvia could clearly see the teasing light in his eyes.

"I'm fine..." She stared at her husband still feeling astonished, "As I am sure you know full well."

He laughed, ruffling her hair with a bright look on his face, she could tell he was enjoying himself. She gave him a soft smile and then took some deep breaths to cool down her cheeks.

She noticed the wink Fayre sent her way and just shook her head helplessly. But, it did kinda feel nice that her husband was willing to be open about his feelings for her. She reached for his hand underneath the table and took hold of it.

His hand accepted hers and very quickly tightened around it. His thumb stroked her knuckles, and he gave her a slight smile.