Please Don't

Asrar was shocked to his core when his princess suddenly bolted out of the room. It took him a whole five seconds to go after her. He did not bother shouting after her, as he was within distance if she yelled for him, for him to be there as quick as lightning.

He was alright walking behind her. It was his place in the world, to be ready to serve her, and die for her if need be. This is what he had trained for, her protection and safety was paramount to him. And always would be.

It was all he could do. The only way he could stay by her, and do something for her. It was not his kingdom that he was loyal to, but this girl-child who would annoy, tease, and irritate him.

When she ran into her room and slammed the door, he came to a stop outside the door and stared at it. Asrar hoped his princess was okay, that she was... he was not sure why she would bolt like that.

He stared at her door, wondering what he was supposed to do about this. His training had not dealt with how to cheer up people.

He could hear her crying, and it made him feel really uncomfortable. After listening to her sobs for a while he could not bear it any more.

Asrar pushed the door open and walked over to her. She had her head in her hands, and they were drenched in her tears. An uncomfortable feeling settled into his heart, as heavy as a stone.

He knelt beside of her, unsure of what to do, but feeling the need to do something. Seeing his princess cry made his heart tug painfully. He hated seeing her like this - Hazel should always have a smile on her face.

"Hazel..." He paused, uncertainly, "Princess, art thou okay?" Seeing that she was not reacting he tried again, "Please do not cry, or at thee very least, tell me why thou art crying? Talk to me, please my princess..."

He tilted her head up and began wiping away her tears. He could not keep the look of worry off of his face.

A sudden choked giggle left her lips, "Oh, Asrar, what am I going to do with you?" Suddenly she threw her arms around his neck and leaned her body against his.

As her tears drenched his shirt, he patted her back, hoping to calm her down. He felt her tiny hands grip his shirt. "What dost thou mean? Thou dost not have to do anything about me."

"I...I love you, Asrar..." He felt himself freeze in a bit of a shocked fright. She had just said...what? "I don't want anything to happen to you..."

Was this why she was crying? A helpless sigh escaped him as he peeled her gently away from him, "My dear princess, it ist really not worth crying over. Whatever happens, happens. And... well, we wilt always be friends." He looked her directly in her eyes, trying his hardest to provide her with comfort.

This was not his forte. He was trained to fight, not deal with crying women. But this was Hazel and if there was anything he could do for his princess than he would do it.

He saw her eyes soften, and danger signals went off in his brain. He was beginning to pick up on when she was going to start being.... romantically inclined towards him. And yet, he could not just run on her when she had been crying a moment ago, it would seem a trifle insensitive towards one of the few people he truly cared about.

She tugged on his neck, "Asrar..." Her voice had lowered to merely a whisper as she leaned towards him. The sound of her choked up voice was making him lower the guard he had always had up towards this sort of thing.

His eyes shuttered closed as she kissed him, unable to resist her pull. She fell backwards unto her bed, pulling him with her.

Asrar leaned over his best friend as she glued their lips together. He could not pull away as he did not want her to cry again. Her tears were almost like a physical pain to him.

Even as he told himself this reasoning though, he knew it was not all there was to it. Kisses from his princess were sweeter than anything else, and he found it difficult to say no to her. The tears had just been the last straw, rendering his reason ineffective.

Hazel pulled back, "As... I know your in a difficult position...but I am too far gone for you to ever be able to turn back..."

"Goodnight, my princess," Asrar straightened up and stepped back. He did not like where his mind had just been going, She deserved better than him, and he did not want her to throw away her life for him.

He quickly retreated after making sure she was no longer crying, but before she could say anything else. He fell back on his bed, unsure of what had just happened, and of just how he felt about it.