Well, This Is Difficult

Kaldrek was sitting across from Jayesh as they were trying to figure out what to do about the Grimshades assassins. The two had been trying for the past three days to figure something out but they were not getting anywhere.

The problem was multiple. One, they did not have all that much information. Add to that the fact that Nix'Ryl was a huge area of unexplored land filled with all sorts of dangers making it impossible to scour every inch looking for a group that probably knew very well how to hide themselves.

It was honestly annoying. The fact that the only thing they could do was go on the defensive did not set well with Jayesh. It did not sit well with Kaldrek either.

Sending men in would be practically suicide for them. The fact of the matter was they did not know enough about the lands of Nix'Ryl to make good judgments about this whole matter. Nix'Ryl was the most dangerous place in the world, from what little they knew of it. They tried not to send anyone there unless they absolutely had to.

There were, obviously, people who lived there, whose only purpose was survival. And that was what made the place truly scary. Not the monsters but the people who lived there, who were said to be willing to sell out their own mother if it meant them living one more day.

Kaldrek sighed, they really did have no idea how to fully deal with this matter. If they at least had a clear idea where to find them it would be one thing, it was just that prolonged trips into the wild lands was a good way to die. It was not something they could just risk sending people to do.

Jayesh shook his head, with a grimace. "I guess, that the best we can do is try to keep them out, or lure them into a trap."

"Would appear so," Kaldrek frowned, "As much as I hate to admit it, there is really not much we can do with the little amount we know."

"I hate not doing anything, so if you can come up with a good trap, please do."

"Of course, I'll do my best to come up with something." Kaldrek tapped his finger against the chair he was sitting in. A few ideas came to mind, but he needed to consider them more closely. Sometimes, ideas would initially sound good but be really terrible if you tried to do them.

"Meanwhile, we will make sure that the castle is safe," Jayesh had a thoughtful look on his face, "Thankfully, it does not seem like they are after the lives of my people."

Kaldrek gave his best friend a wry smile as he reflected that Jayesh was a pretty good king, who cared about his people deeply. He was actually well beloved, and even more so because he had chosen a queen who everyone loved as well. The very fact that the news of Fayre's pregnancy caused great joy to the whole kingdom attested to this.

"I can also try to teach Zylv some magic that could help protect your wife, it may take a while though." Zylvia had been coming along with her magical abilities. She was frighteningly good at enchantment, though she had yet to really branch out. He paused before admitting, "I would feel better if she could protect herself as well."

Jayesh laughed, "That is not a bad idea. Actually its a pretty good one."

Kaldrek nodded, not mentioning just how excited the thought made him. He rather enjoyed teaching his wife how to control her abilities, teaching her specific magic would be even more enjoyable. And she had a good enough grasp now to begin the expansion of abilities.

Sorcerers did not take long to learn how to use magic as it was pretty much ingrained in them. Especially if they had someone to guide them, which Kaldrek acknowledged he was probably pretty good at, if just due to the passion he had for anything and everything magical.

"Alright, then, think about that whole trap thing, but for right now, let's go see our ladies." Jayesh's eyes softened just thinking about the woman he had made queen.

A slight smile came to Kaldrek's lips. He did not tease his friend though, as he honestly felt much the same about seeing his red-haired lady. Being with her was a dream come true, and he had felt better ever since they had given in to their feelings. She was, in some ways, his everything. Not that it would outright kill him not to have her, but if he lost her now he was aware that he would most likely have severe depression over it.