Good Teacher

Zylvia listened to Kaldrek's instructions as he tried to teach her some attack magic. Her mind did not wrap around it as well as it had her own charm spells. At the same time, though, she did start slowly picking it up and understanding.

She managed to make the already battered target he had pulled out of the bottom of his messy closet go up in flames. Kaldrek quickly put it out with a wave of his hand. He turned to her with a grin, "Not bad, Zylv."

She chuckled, "Its nowhere as good as my enchantments, though."

"Well, that is only natural," Kaldrek placed his hand on her head and ruffled up her hair, "This isn't your forte, but you can still learn it better than now, all you need is a little practice."

She felt warmth envelope her heart as she listened to his encouragement. A sweet smile came to her face as she looked into his eyes. Her husband was… so good at this whole teaching thing.

She let out a soft chuckling sound, "Oh, Kaldrek," She shook her head at him, "I don't understand you at times."

"What?" A bit of alarm came to his face as he looked at her. She had not meant to cause him to start panicking, "What don't you understand? Maybe I could explain?"

She reached out and tugged on his neck, making him lay on her lap. Stroking his head, she answered him, "Why you don't think you would be particularly good at parenting. From what I see, I think you would do just fine."

"Well, um," He sighed, reaching up and touching her cheek, "I'm not the best at empathy. So, I'm a bit worried that-"

Zylvia laughed and placed a finger against his lips, "Stop right there, young man, you'll do just fine. Besides, even if you might have some trouble with being sympathetic, well, there are other roles you can do as a parent. I already knew I was going to end up being the one who is most likely to take care of our kids' little bruises. But I think you would be very good at teaching them all sorts of things."

He smiled up at her, a gentle look in his eyes, "Yeah, my love, I think we'll make a good team."

She started playing with his hair as she continued smiling at him. He made no move to get up, as he closed his eyes, seeming as if he was enjoying her hands in his hair. Zylvia felt rather glad as she looked down at him. She was pleased that it seemed as though her husband was actually really looking forward to having children with her.

"Kaldrek, sweetheart," She murmured softly.

"Hmm," He cracked an eye open to look at her.

"….I…" She laughed, "I just wanted to say that I really enjoy being like this with you."

A bit of a blush came to his cheeks, "I enjoy it too, my love. Of course, I also enjoy anything you do with me so…"

"Even when I'm upset?" She teased.

"Yeah, I think I have it pretty bad for you," A helpless smile lifted his lips, "Even when your mad at me, I prefer it to not knowing when the next time I get to see you is."

She leaned down to place a soft kiss on his lips, "Well, my lord, I prefer having you where I can actually get upset with you anyway."

"Zylv," Kaldrek looked up at her face, which was now really close to his own, "I…well, I am sorry. If I had any inkling you felt this way for me, I would have… proposed to you myself."

She kissed him again, "Thank you. But well, as long as you love me too, I can put back out of mind how we got married except as something to laugh about."

He smiled at her and then pushed himself up from his position on her lap so he could kiss her. He pushed her back so that she was laying against their bed as he continued to tease her mouth with his tongue.

With a slight gasp she let him have his way with her. She enjoyed the fact that he had gotten a lot bolder about his desires, instead of asking her first. Oh, she had appreciated the gentlemanly act of asking her if she was alright with it, but there was a point when it was better that he was confident that she was okay with it. Besides, just because he was no longer asking, did not mean that he would not stop if she asked him to.

Or maybe he was just getting better at reading her mood and realized that she wanted him just as much. Whatever it was, Zylvia was more than happy to oblige her husband and give him the love he seemed to be craving.