
Kaldrek gazed at his wife, unsure of where to begin. He drew back the hand he had been using to reach for her and sighed.

He picked up the book and silently opened it to the page and handed it to her. She took it from him and started reading. He watched as her eyebrows rose in surprise.

When she finished reading, he felt rather nervous as he was not sure what she was thinking. There was an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach that he was not used to.

When she had not spoken for a few minutes, he could not take it anymore, "Zylv? Um, are you, well, okay? I mean-"

As he was trying to figure her out, she leaned towards him and blocked his mouth with her own. His heart lept happily into his throat and his eyes shuttered closed. When she pulled back, she laughed softly as she stroked his hair.

"Is this why you've been acting funny today?" Her eyes were sparkling, and Kaldrek started to feel relief. She seemed to be taking it rather well. He nodded at her and gave her a weak smile.

Laughter bubbled up from her throat, "This is all? Well, all it means is that I have a bloodline that should be rather useful to you, right?"

"I… guess?" He tilted his head, "You are not upset? I mean, well, your bloodline is such that-"

Once again, she interrupted him, placing a finger on his lips, "It does not matter. Kaldrek, I know how you feel about me and so I just figure that this is a bonus to you." Her smile was so bright that he felt feelings of relief flowing through him.

"You are taking this better than I thought you would." He pulled on her hand and drew her into his arms. Planting a kiss on the top of her head, a smile started to spread across his face.

"Well," She giggled and wiggled in his arms so that she was even closer to him. Lifting up her head she whispered in his ear, an act that started to wreak havoc on his ability to think properly, "I know what sort of person I married, and I trust you. So, husband mine, why worry about it. I would much rather focus on other things."

He gulped quietly, fighting himself to keep from getting distracted. It was a losing battle, especially as he felt that familiar quiet buzz in the back of his mind. He sighed; he had really married an opportunist.

Sliding his hands to catch her waist, he let out a soft chuckle. She glanced up at him, her eyes twinkling playfully. He cleared his throat, "Yes, love? Did you need something?"

"When it comes to you, I always need something." As she spoke, he found himself already moving his head down to kiss her.

She responded to his kiss enthusiastically. He pulled her down so that she was lying on top of him as he fell on the bed completely. He really did not mind when she used her enchantments on him. Afterall, she was his wife and if she wanted certain things from him it was her right.

Her hands were in his hair as she pressed herself into him. He rather liked the feel of that. His ears gave a little twitch, and he smiled when they pulled away for air. Her eyes were trailing across his face, desire aflame in her eyes.

Kaldrek grinned up at the woman who was laying on top of him. She looked gorgeous, with her hair a mess and eyes darkened with need.

He whispered quietly, "Beautiful…"

His wife smiled at him and kissed him hard, pressing herself into him. He licked her lips making her shudder. This was highly enjoyable, a fact that Kaldrek had been pleasantly surprised by. To think that a few kisses could make him feel so satisfied was something that he would never have expected before he met her.

He was addicted to her and he knew it. Nor would he ever try to kick the addiction. She was his, his lady, his wife, his one and only. Her friendship was wonderful, and her love even more so.

He tugged her waist hungrily, wanting her desperately. Her eyes met his, and she smiled at him. Everything about her was driving him crazy and he was hardly rational at the moment at all! Not that he particularly minded that...