Odd Encounter

The image stopped on a young man sitting on a mossy rock under a large tree. He was dressing a wound on his arm, with a bit of gauze caught in his teeth, but as Kaldrek had been passing over, he startled and reached out his mind to stop them.

Zylvia could feel the strength in this man's mind. It was only a fraction of his mind but she shivered, she could feel the insanity that lay beneath the surface.

'Zylvia, get out of here. This one is going to be quite difficult.'

As she tried to back out, she grew aware that she was already anchored there. And then they heard a voice in their heads, as if a multitude of people. 'Difficult, human sorcerer? You would not stand a chance against me.'

As Zylvia felt her husband's curiosity, she mentally facepalmed. 'What are you? Your mind is rather…'

'Complicated? I know,' She saw the way the man's lips quirked up into a smirk, 'But what I am does not matter.'

She could feel the mind of the man probing them.

'You are after the Grimshades?' The man's voice was a bit surprised, 'Just the Grimshades?'

She felt Kaldrek relaxing as they both heard the change in the man's voice. He seemed a bit less affronted. 'Yes. They… caused some problems where we are at.'

'Not surprised. They are the sort of people who give the rest of us Nix'Rylians a bad name. You know what, they actually offended me just a little while ago… But I could not really deal with them at the time… so, I suppose I could help you out a little… Go that way." He pointed in a southerly direction. "Big rock with two trees in a V shape. There is a cave under the rock. They were holed up there two nights ago. Even if they left, they should not have gotten far.'

Kaldrek completely relaxed, 'Thank you. It is a surprise to meet someone in Nix'Ryl who seems half way decent… though, I wonder why did you stop me if I was just going quickly over you. I am sure you realized that I was just going to pass you by? And you do not seem like you are the sort to just random-'

'Exactly.' The man smiled, 'You were about to go past the tree behind me. My… well, do not look behind this tree, or else I will retaliate.' The voice paused for a minute, 'I am sure you realize that I am very close to insanity? Well, I need a focus to keep a handle and well, the person I use for it, I don't want to be violated in any way… Good hunting, and may you find what you are looking for.'

Kaldrek carefully moved away the sight they could see as he moved the direction, they had been pointed in. He was careful to not go past the tree the odd man had pointed out as it was better not to anger someone needlessly.

They found the rock not long later and found the crevice. Zylvia realized that it was hidden so well they would have never found it if that man had not pointed in the direction.

The Grimshades were still there. After watching them a few minutes, Kaldrek paused the crystal on the site, and had her stop feeding their magic through. "We actually found them… I wonder who that man was though?"

"Does it matter? I am just glad he decided to help us instead of fighting us."

Kaldrek fell quiet and then nodded, "Of course. You are right, I doubt I could have taken him, especially with that insanity… In such situations being insane can actually help in a battle."

Both of them were quiet for a few minutes, until Kaldrek suddenly leaned towards her, "Still… that was rather fun…"

A grin spread across Zylvia's face, "What was? Scrying? Or having our minds melded together?"

"I rather liked melding our magic. I should find more spells that do so." He leaned towards her to kiss her.

A knock sounded on their door, pulling him up short, "Yes?"

"King Jayesh requires the presence of his Court Sorcerer to greet a visitor of the Lumna Empire."

Kaldrek sighed and stood up, "Alright, I'll be there soon." He scooped up the crystal ball and then leaned down to steal a kiss from his wife, "Coming, Zylv?"

"Is that a good idea?"

"I would not worry about it. King Arrion is a pretty… informal person. Anyone he sends is likely not to care too much who is present as long as we can vouch for them."

"Alright, then." She grinned.

"And I can go ahead and show Jayesh this afterwards." He handed her the ball, "Why don't you carry it, love?" At his words she dropped it in the bag she was carrying, nestling it down inside so that it was protected.