
The rest of the day passed blissfully for Zylvia. She was in the clouds just thinking about the chance of motherhood. Though she had not wanted to get overly excited, on the off chance that they were wrong, she could not help it.

So long had she dreamed of motherhood and suppressed those desires. There was no way that she could have ever stopped herself from dwelling on it and grinning to herself whenever she drifted away from whatever conversation was going on. Nor could she remember much of the afternoon of that day as her head constantly churned with her delirious happiness.

Night time came swiftly to her and it was not long in her own mind before she was turning in for the day. Climbing in to bed next to her husband she cuddled up beside of him.

Kaldrek tugged her close to him as he tucked her into bed. His fingers threaded through her hair and he tugged gently, combing her tangles out by hand. She smiled, closing her eyes, enjoying the feel of his sweet ministrations.

Even though he had implied certain desires that morning to her, Kaldrek merely held her close and kissed her forehead gently. Zylvia hoped that he was not just trying to be considerate of her maybe pregnancy. Cause that would make her feel bad for him. After all, he always put her first before any needs he might have.

She watched him shutter his eyes closed, and felt his arms gently tighten around her. she examined him closely and noticed that he was not all that tired. She frowned; a bit annoyed that he was trying to pretend. At the same time though she felt amused at him for even trying. Kaldrek was not good at pretending, especially at something he always had such obvious tells of.

She lifted her hands up to tangle in his hair. Though he managed to keep his eyes closed, his breathing and heartbeat did pick up. With a giggle, she leaned into him, "Pretending to be asleep, my love?"

He sighed, and opened his eyes, "Well-" He looked into her eyes and sighed again, "I guess that was….well, sorry." He cleared his throat and then gave her a small smile.

She pulled his head closer to her own and pressed her lips against his, softly moving up against him as she did so. She heard him groan softly before his hands moved down to catch her waist as he secured her close to him.

When she pulled back with a shy smile gracing her lips, Kaldrek smiled back at her briefly. Then he caught her lips with his own again. She had no idea how long he covered her lips with his but she was breathless when he finally stopped.

He nestled her in his arms, holding her close and burying his head in her hair. She ran her fingers through his messy hair and played with his ears. She loved watching them twitch and enjoyed the way he never told her off for it.

She heard him chuckle, "So do you forgive me for trying to trick you?"

"With the way you just kissed me? Yeah, I will." She nestled even closer to him, enjoying the feel it gave her. There was a thrill just being near her beloved husband.

"You are pretty easy to please, love." He laughed softly into her ear.

She fell silent, unsure of what else to say at the moment. Especially with the distracting way his hands were fingering her waist area. He did want… but he was not sure if she was up to it.

A soft smile came to her lips. It was nice knowing how much her husband cared about her to not want to do anything that he was unsure whether it would harm or not.

"Kaldrek, dear." She kissed his neck gently, and felt his arms tighten.

He mumbled in her hair, "If you are sure. I mean you could be pregnant and –"

"I know."