
Kaldrek gazed at his wife with a gentle smile on his face. Zylvia curled up against him as she slept soundly. Her head nestled against his chest. He placed a kiss upon the top of her head and then nestled down in order to go to sleep himself.

For a while though he threaded his fingers through her hair as he just listened to her soft breathing. Listening to her like this always worked to relax him. All his tension always melted just from being near her.

It made him feel rather good that she could fall asleep so easily in his arms. It was one of her signs of trust in him and he felt blessed to have that. Having her love undoubtedly was wonderful. But her trust? That was what made him sure that their relationship was strong.

It was with these thoughts he finally fell asleep. His sleep was mostly undisturbed. Amrunela only woke him up once and was quiet the rest of the night.

It was Zylvia who woke him up the next morning with a soft kiss on his mouth. As he stirred awake he felt her leap off the bed and pad over to where their daughter was starting to wake up.

He sat up, not wanting to miss the sight of his beloved fussing over their kid. He rather liked watching the expression on her face as she cuddled the kid. He cleared his throat. There was a strange tightness that was suddenly there.

She sashayed over and perched on the bed next to him. "Did I wake you?" Her voice had a lilt to it.

"Yes." He grinned at his lady and then kissed her softly, "And I am thankful you did... Now I get to see a blessing to my vision."

She laughed and then kissed him again. Then she flipped her attention back to the child in her arms. Kaldrek could not resist the urge to prop his head on her shoulder and watch their daughter as well.

He was aware that Zylvia's hair was a mess right now, just falling down her back in a beautiful tangled sprawl. It distracted him from watching his child. He turned his head just slightly so he could bury his head in her hair and neck.

Her lips pressed against his cheek for a moment. He murmured into her ear, "I love you, Zylv."

His wife giggled and pressed closer to his side, "Mhm, I love you too, Kaldrek." She leaned her head back on his shoulder and gazed up at him, "Hard not to, really. You're so special, you know?"

As Kaldrek laid his cheek on top of her head, he whispered softly, "Not the only one… you my love are something truly amazing."

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. These moments with her felt so natural, something he doubted he could ever feel with anyone else. He was really glad that he had married this girl.

"Any plans for today?" She was still nustled against him a bit as she asked him.

"A bit of official business. Nothing major or particularly special." Not much more he could actually say on the subject. It would hardly make good conversation to get into the technicalities. "I would rather stay with you and Amrunela all day."

She shook her head at him with a soft laugh before getting up and handing their daughter to him. He watched with interest as she began to get ready for the day as he bounced their baby girl up and down in his arms.

His wife really was beautiful. Not just on the outside either, she had a gorgeous soul as well. He truly was lucky. Something that occurred to him daily.

He stood up and walked over to her as she began to try to brush her hair. He plucked her comb from her hand and placed their kid in her arms.

He took her hair in his hands as he began to brush it. Doing this always brought a smile to his face. It was the first way he had managed to get himself to flirt with her in a physical way. Though subtle, he had been trying to tell her that he wanted to get closer.