Yang MiMi,29 years old Virgin sick of being boring and straight laced, decided to went all out at the eve of her 30th birthday letting her self go!
Yang MiMi: drink!drink! handsome.... you look sexy... looking for a one night stand??
Handsome: No.... but I'll let you buy me.
Yang MiMi: Sure whatever it is you want This Golden thigh will get it for you bwahahaha!
with a throbbing headache, aching body and a ring on her finger, a certificate on the floor together with her scattered underwear and clothes.....
Yang MiMi: WHAT.DID.I.DO!!!!!
Good , really relatable love their friendship can really keep up with other, i love and if the author would update faster that would be great because this story has no words except oh my ga************ee***************************************************e***************************wwgaw ************wwe***************wwd
This story is amazing!!! Although the plot isn't really something new, but still great.😆It makes you want to know what will happen next, which is why, inthe name of your humble readers, I ask of thee, oh mighty Lord Author, please update soon. Amen
Can you Author please not drop this novel😭. I love it soo much And everything about is just right. Please continue with this awesome work😘😘😘 please
I love this story it's interesting and can't wait to the next update..author pls post fast update of this story I'm craving to know of what happened to this drunken lady...