We all have a reason to live

Country A, in Lucian's office.

Skyler booked the earliest flight to flew from Country N. He was reporting about the suspected places where Johnson Ainsworth's main base are located and their recent activities. Johnson was said to be missing after his "business appointment" in Country A. He was last seen at the airport of Country M, where the Ainsworth family is, when he came back from Country A. His wife, however, was found dead in her room. The police stated that she committed suicide but Lucian and the others thought the opposite.

It seems that Johnson send someone to kill his wife.

"Where are those places you mentioned?" Lucian asked, both of his hands are clasped together as he looked thoughtful for the moment.

Skyler told him the lists of the places that Amber investigated. Then he paused for a second before he continue, "Those are just the possible place where he could be hiding with his men but the place with the higher probability where he is hiding is Country F."

Hearing this, Lucian lifted his eyes as he stared deeply at him. "You mean the country where I was born?"

"Yes." Skyler answered.

"I see." Lucian eyes dimmed a little as he thought of his late mother before he steeled all his emotions. "Have every one of the Elites to go to the said places. While I want you to go to Country F now, I'll followed you shortly after. And ask Andrew and Antonette to stay in Country A to manage the famiglia." He ordered while Skyler easily take note of his orders in his head.

"Noted, then I'll be going now." As Skyler was preparing to leave, a book from Lucian's bookshelf fell.

Both of them glance at it, suddenly feeling a bit... weird, like something bad happens. Lucian has a retentive memory so he easily noted that it was the book that Antonette had touched before she flew in Country N together with Andrew, Reid, and Noel.

His brows furrowed, feeling worried for his friends who accompanied him in building their safest haven, the Lumière famiglia. He look at Skyler and said, "Contact those in the manor. Tell them to be careful and don't do anything impulsive. Especially Andrew."

"Yes." Skyler replied and contact Amber. He talked to her for a few minutes before he turns to his Boss with a grieve expression. "It seems that Andrew and Reid went to the Mountain Hell and, Antonette and Nicholas followed them."

Lucian sighs heavily as he rubbed his temples. "Before you go to Country F, go back to Country N now. I'll settle some issues here before I go back with Aisha in Country N."

"Yes, then I'll take my leave now." Skyler bows slightly at Lucian, as he was about to leave, he added, "Don't worry, Boss, every one of us has its own reason to continue living... we will not die easily." Then he took his leave without waiting for Lucian's response.

Lucian was taken aback slightly before a chuckle escape his lips. "Of course, I know that, idiot."

Country N, Mountain Hell.

"Did that idiot seriously think that sending a hundred of men can kill us?" Nicholas sighs heavily as he rested his gun in his shoulder. He stared at the mountain of corpses as he let out an another sigh.

He wants to follow those four because he was worried that something bad might happen but he didn't expect to find an at least a hundred of men lurking in the mountain. The crowd earlier has been killed by them. He suspected that they must be after Nicolette since their impromptu attendance here are unexpected.

"Antonette!" Suddenly, Nicholas heard Reid's panic voice.

His expression fell as he run towards the direction where Reid's voice came from. He suddenly have a bad feeling.

I hope they're okay, he thought.

"You..." Nicolette was shocked by Antonette's unexpected move. She staggered backwards as she intinctually gripped her bleeding shoulder to make sure it was still there.

I can't believe this! Just how strong her will to live is to cut her arm just for her not to die!? She was in too much shock to even notice that Antonette was now making a move to stop the bleeding of her injury.

Dà... dàmn this, Antonette cursed as she felt agonizing pain of losing her arm. The worse thing was that it's her dominant hand. Her left hand loose its grip on her spear and the spear fell into the ground.

Her body trembles, as well as her knees, so she bent her body down and kneeled on the dirty ground. She bit her lips hard as she tried to endure the unbearable pain. She was losing too much of blood, she needs to stop the bleeding fast or else she will not die because of the poison but rather because of too much blood loss.

She looked down on the tank top she was wearing. Half of it was covered in blood but this will do for now, Antonette thought as she use her left hand to pull the shirt above her. Then she bit on the material of the shirt, while her hand grips the hem of it, and rips the cloth in half by pulling it. Afterwards, she tied the ripped cloth tightly around her bleeding injury.

"You... how can you cut your arm just like that!?" Nicolette suddenly shouted which makes Antonette to look up at her. "You rather have your dominant arm cut instead of dying? Why don't you just die!?"

Antonette didn't answer her, instead she slowly stood up while stopping the bleeding in her injury with her left hand. Then she said, "Because I owed my life to that person who saved me two decades ago. Because I promise him that I will gave him my life in exchange to his kindness. Because he told me to never die meaninglessly." She answered absentmindedly, her thoughts going back to that day she was saved by her Boss.

She was just a beggar back then, no family, no house, no money... nothing, but Boss took her in and gave her everything she lacks off, including her family she now cherishes.

Then Antonette's eyes meets Nicolette's pair of eyes which is so similar to Andrew's. "And also... because there's still that person that I... love.. whom I want to be with."

So, for that reason... I can't die.

"Nonsense!" Nicolette shouted angrily. "That's utter crap and bullshïts! In this cruel world, there is no place for love! It is better staying alone! Those cruel monsters will only kill your loved ones and leave you to suffer alone from loneliness! People in this world are nothing but monsters---!"

"Wrong." A sharp voice suddenly cut off her ranting. "Sure, people are cruel and monsters, but there are still some monsters who will save you from your sufferings, and gave you a life better than before."

"You're a bit too late." Antonette muttered as her vision blurred and her head throbs, looks like some of the poison got into her system. Her whole body became numb, not feeling an ounce of pain but it was much better than feeling an unbearable pain.

"Sorry, I'll handle things from here." Andrew replied as he walked passed by her.

"Okay." Antonette's head felt giddy, her trembling knees gave away but Reid was already behind her to hold and support her limp body.

"Antonette!" Reid shouted in panic when he saw her state, especially seeing her arm in the ground. "Seriously, so reckless!" He scolded, his chest tightens as he saw the almighty Antonette Meira looking like this.

He knows that Antonette could easily kill Nicolette is she wants to, but she hold herself back because Nicolette was important for them. Thinking about this, Reid could only curse himself for being a weakling.

"I don't want to hear that from you." Antonette deadpanned as she jabbed his ribs using her elbow.

"Fvck!" Reid cursed and then glared at Antonette. "Just fvcking faint already, geez!"

Antonette could only chuckles faintly at him, while her blurry vision are locked with the two siblings.

Andrew, I hope you're happy... you finally reunited with your sister, was all her last thoughts before she slips into darkness.