Tell me!

A month had passed, not once did that man, Rafael as what Lucian heard his mother called him, appeared ever again. However, Lucian notice that his mother was always anxious every time. And paler and thinner than usual. He also often caught her puking in the middle of the night and she seems... weak these past few days.

Lucian was really worried for his mother's health, he wants to ask her if she's feeling sick but he knows very well that his mother did not want him to worry so he did everything his best to help her with her things. He make sure that Luce won't do any strenuous activities in the bakery and let the other workers do that, and in their home, Lucian was doing all the household chores... well, except for cookinh because he sucks at cooking.

He made a mental note to himself to start learning how to cook. He didn't want a certain little girl teasing him for not knowing how to cook, also he wants to cook for his mother too.

And now, he was carrying the last batch of patries that weren't sold for the day back in the kitchen. The sun was now kissing the daw goodbye and they are now cleaning the bakery. "Mom, let's wrap these up and take them home--- Mom!" Lucian almost screams in fright when he saw Luce scrunch down to the sink, one hand was covering her mouth as she coughs vigorously.

He lost his grip on the tray he was carrying, the tray made a loud "thud" as Lucian run towards his mother. "Are you okay, Mom?" With his short height and tiny hands, he stood on his toes as he patted Luce's back.

Luce opens the tap, she lowers her head so that her hair blocks Lucian's view as she let the water wash off the blood on the sink, then she scooped a handful of water and rinse her mouth.

She stayed like that for a moment, with Lucian keeps carress her back in a soothing manner. A worried frown was etched on his face. "Are you now okay?" He asked in a worried tone.

Luce lifted her head and smiles softly at him. "Yes, I'm fine now. Can you please get me a clean cloth?" Lucian rushed to get a clean towel and handed it to Luce. "Thanks." Luce thanked, her voice soft and weak, as she took the towel and wiped off the excess water in her mouth.

"Should we go to the hospital?" Lucian asked but Luce shook her head.

"There's no need to worry, I might just ate something spoiled."

But you barely eat anything... Lucian frowns but didn't probe too much.

Then a week had passed, Luce didn't open the bakery. Both Lucian and her stayed in their small apartment, they decided they will have a mother and son moment and spend their days over movies, and popcorns and drinks.

Since it was a small apartment, there is only one bedroom, one small bathroom, and a connective kitchen and living room. Luce was in the bedroom and arranging Lucian's uniform for he will start school tomorrow. Back then they didn't have enough money to send Lucian to a prestigious school, so he can only goes to public school and not getting high quality of education that Lucian needs for someone with a high IQ of his but now it's different. The bakery is now popular and earning a lot from the customers, and Luce was able to earn enough money to send Lucian to a prestigious school.

A series of knock was heard from the bedroom, and Luce shouted for Lucian to look who's on the outside of the door.

Lucian just finish washing the dishes and he was wiping his hands with a cloth when he hears Luce. He went to the door and opens it, and was surprise to see Rafael.

Rafael looks down at him, his eyes are cold as an ice as he emits such a dangerous aura that had Lucian broke into shivers.

Lucian bit his lip hard and harden himself, he glares at him and was about to slam the door at him when Rafael spoke.

"You have an attitude, young man, you need to respect your father."

Lucian's glares intensifies. "I have no father."

Rafael lifted his gaze. "Then how are you here now?"

"Insemination." Lucian deadpanned and was about to close the door at him when he was yet again stop by Rafael.

"Aren't you worried about your mother's health?" That made Lucian stopped. "Constant fever, paleness, fatique, losing of weight, easily bleeding or bruising..."

"What do you know?" Lucian demanded through gritted teeth.

"Ah, quite Bossy, aren't you?"

"Answer me!" Lucian would've shouted if weren't for the fear that Luce will hears their conversation.

Rafael smirked down at him. "If you want to know then come with me."