Chapter 158 Yue Fei And Roxi Blaze

Yue Fei did not have much going on in his life other than what he does with Baron and helping out his community as much as he can. In his heart, he would rather be a lover rather than a fighter. His elder position has been going up quite a bit ever since Guan Yu's recommendation and after a few pointers. Now, he spends most of his time completing tasks for the Chinese community that would benefit many more people than what he was doing before. For the most part, this would consist of building new buildings that would be for use for new strategists that would be teleported to planet 4.

Another common task that he had been doing more of in the past few decades was training some of the new strategists and having discussions with them about the state of where they were and what type of situation they were in. In fact, Yue Fei met Baron during one of these tasks and that is how their relationship as friends started. He liked to start the strategists off on the right foot since he knew just how much first impressions would mean to the growth of a strategist.

He knew from experience that had he not been introduced to this world and warned of his dangers as he did, he might have ended up as a beggar on the streets mere hours after being here. In reality, the Vesper's were mostly to blame for this as they were doing some of these tasks only to find more naive people to exploit. It's a sad reality, but that was why Yue Fei did what he did. In his career, he had helped many thousands of strategists begin their journey on planet 4 on a good note. Unfortunately, the Vesper faction had a lot more resources and had "helped" tens of thousands of strategists start off on the wrong foot.

Yue Fei had gotten some of the Sun Alliance elders who were in charge of such affairs to deal with this issue, but every time the elders would find some sort of excuse to leave it to someone else to take care of, or outright never got back to him. It was quite frustrating, to say the least. There was nothing else he could do in this situation since he was powerless in front of such a large organization. All he could do was keep trying and hope they eventually saw the havoc that the Vesper goons were causing not just to strategists, but to the whole of the Chinese Communities' future.

Going to another introduction session with somebody, Yue Fei looked at the name of the person that he would be teaching today, it was some lady by the name of Roxi Blaze. Yue Fei went to the room that she was supposed to be in, but unlike Baron, she had already awoken and they were able to start immediately. First, Yue Fei informed Roxi of what this planet was like, it's customs, it's ways, it's sad realities, and so on.

(YF) "Alright, that should be all for the explanation as to where you are. Do you have any questions that you have for me, miss Roxi?" Yue Fei asked.

(RB) "Yes, what might your name be?" Roxi Blaze.

(YF) "Well, I just had this conversation with a friend about how I always forget to tell the newcomers my name. It is Yue Fei by the way, nice to meet you, Roxi."

(RB) "Haha."

(YF) "What's so funny?"

(RB) "Oh, it's nothing. It's just that a very dear person to me has talked about you quite a bit while he was alive. His memory is a painful one ever since he passed away right in my arms. Just the very thought of him gives me mixed feelings of love and longing."

(YF) "That is one sad tale, but try not to let that drag you down. If it is your greatest wish, you might just be able to meet this special someone by winning the Strategist Reincarnation Death Match tournament. Although that would be an exceedingly hard task to accomplish."

(RB) "Thanks, but that's alright. After his passing, I never loved another person and I instead focused all of my efforts into being the best soldier for the Chinese army, then multiple other armies around the world, then special ops training in different countries as well, and finally at the end of my career, I decided it was time to settle down and tinker in my million dollar workshop trying to come up with new weapons. I've lived a fulfilling life, but I think I might want to take a rest for a bit."

(YF) "Oh, I understand. Some people are like that. They don't want the extra life that they have been given and they feel that it is better to enjoy their new life instead of going through a long grind again. That is very reasonable. I was going to show you how the simulations worked, but I suppose that can be done at a later date. Here, give me a ring once you feel like you are done resting. Take all the time that you need."

(RB) "Thank you I-" She said as Baron rushed into the room.

(BM) "Ah, good you're still here, Yue Fei. Guan Yu has just hired the Men of Meng faction to… Wait, you look familiar." Baron started but turned his full attention to the woman that was in the room.

(YF) "Um, Baron this person right here is-" Roxi's eyes widened immediately.

(BM) "Nah, Nah, Nah, I know exactly who this is. This is sleazy Suzy, hey scumbag you still owe me over two grand, you didn't think I forgot did you?"

(RB) "Wait, no what? Baron, it's me, Ro-" She started but was interrupted by Baron's embrace.

(BM) "You dummy, how could I ever forget you even if you are slightly more different than before?" He said as he cherished the moment. Yue Fei decided that this was a good time to exit the room and let the two of them talk it out.