Chapter 187 Jiang Yan Vs. Ding Lai Hang

Zhang Da Zhi, Qi Ji Guang, and Ding Lai Hang had felt that they were at least on par with their opponents' skills. However, now that their soldiers weren't up to their usual effectiveness in war, they were starting to get a little concerned. It wasn't just that fact either, they had witnessed that Jie Zi Fang and Jiang Yan seemed to be aware of their rigged Gatling gun system. Most likely informed due to Xuan Feng and his experiences dealing with Baron.

There was a myriad of problems that they had to deal with right now, but it only added to their stress about the current situation. If they were to be successful in their battle, things would have to take a turn to their benefit and fast. The three of them stayed up all night, which meant nothing to them as they did not require sleep, to plan something big on the second day. This plan involved taking out Jiang Yan, the bowmaster. For this to work, they had to use a bait powerful enough to attract Jiang Yan's squad over, but not enough for their enemies to know that it was a trap.

Therefore, they set up 4 such points just behind their front lines with multiple powerful elite fighter strategists acting as a backup for when there was an opportunity to strike. Zhang Da Zhi, Qi Ji Guang, and Ding lai Hang were all great fighters and could hold their own in such an engagement, but not for long if there was a seriously tough opponent that they were up against. That was why two out of the 4 trap points would have them as a bait. The other two were filled with a bunch of other fighter strategists that had a semi-high rank in Zhang Da Zhi's alliance.

Once Jiang Yan fell for the trap, Zhang Da Zhi would give the signal for the other three points to converge upon the point that Jiang Yan went for. Qi Ji Guang was stationed in one of the two middle stations and Ding Lai Hang the other as that was where they expected Jiang Yan to hit. Zhang Da Zhi was right behind these two points and would be able to assist whichever group was going to be attacked by Jiang Yan.

The fighting was fierce, and by midday, Jiang Yan had finally taken to the field as he usually does. His elite soldiers by his side, all in pre WW2 vehicles that had a stampeded towards Zhang Da Zhi's forces already engaged in a ferocious battle. With his extremely well-trained eyes, he was able to tell that his enemies had gone through the trouble of setting up a few traps for him to step into. He could see a few places where this was painfully obvious, but which one should he attack, they were all pretty enticing. How about… all of them?

Jiang Yan split up his elite guards and fighter strategists that were far and many and ordered them to attack the positions of the 4 places that were trapped. He himself would not lift his finger just yet, although, there wasn't really any harm in toying with his enemies with a simple little trick that would cause much discord upon them. From there on out, he had his own personal squad, that should have been easy to discern from a distance was his, charge at Qi Ji Guang's position to see just how they would react.

The four forces he sent straight into the trap hit all of their enemies at the same time, surprising them to quite a fair degree. However, they quickly reacted as if they had prepared for this and many of the fighters swarmed where he had sent his personal squad. All except the few other traps that were now busily trying to fight off their new guests. As the minutes passed by, the surprise maneuver became less and less effective. 30 minutes later, Jiang Yan finally to move to the battlefield to make things more interesting and instead of going to bail out his personal troops and allies, he went straight to Ding Lai Hang's position to try to take him out as soon as possible. This was a bit of a gamble, but he unleashed much of his reserve troops to keep the other places busy enough for him to get this done.

Jiang Yan never traveled alone, he had another squad of trustworthy strategists that had been through so much with him that they were akin to brothers and they set out with thunderous applause on their side. This time, he was not traveling around with something that would easily give away that he was one of the generals and thus, he was able to slip in between through the different pockets of soldiers fighting each other with different weapons from different eras.

He made it to Ding Lai Hang's position and immediately was able to discern who his enemy was and sent in his best fighters to subdue him while he would shoot arrows at a distance at him. His foe was startled at what was happening but like a fool, he fought instead of running when he had a slight chance of escape. Jiang Yan knew that Ding Lai Hang was a capable fighter, but against his men would be where the difficulty lay. They were known as the enforcers of the Combined Dragon alliance and for good reason.

The fighting dragged on for no more than an hour, and he was finally able to take down Ding Lai Hang, but not without some sacrifices. Of the hundreds of fighters that he had brought with him, there were now only 50 remaining. Though this group of his were not his top-tier fighters, they were among his best as well. It took just this much to take down one of the three generals he thought to himself, the other two are said to be even tougher opponents. Jiang Yan captured Ding Lai Hang as he lay unconscious and made his way back to his camp.