Chapter 209 Conflicts End

As the more million man army rushed towards Baron, all he could think of was how best he could deal the most amount of damage to their enemies as he could before he was eventually killed in the crossfire. He had Guan Yu, Meng Wu, and Yue Fei all by his side so that they would be able to use all four of their brilliant blue weapon to its fullest potential. Roxi was told by Baron that if she were ever in danger or she had run out of the missiles for the deepstrikes to immediately forfeit the simulation and escape back to the HQ. The reason for this was that she was the only one masked so as to protect her identity. Baron and the other 3 were most likely seen by the spectators and would be instantly recognized as all 4 of them had made a bit of a name for themselves.

The army of the all-stars was fighting with Baron, Zhang Da Zhi, and commander Ke's armies within an hour of their march forward and the fighting had never been more intense for these 3 generals. Explosions were everywhere, multiple gunshots rang out every second, painful shouts could be heard in every direction but this only fueled on the adrenaline for all of the soldiers. Such ferocious fighting continued on the day, and halfway through, Baron decided it was finally time for him to personally act on the battlefield.

He gathered some of his best fighters along with his closest allies and they stormed the frontlines together, more specifically, to where they were being pressured the most. This proved to be immensely helpful as this was exactly the respite that many of the soldiers were looking for. By the end of the day, all 3 battlefields had somehow survived but at great cost. For Baron, he was down to only 35,000 men. Zhang Da Zhi only had 20,000 and Ke even less at 15,000. The reason that Baron had the most surviving soldiers was due to him and his elite unit going to the front lines and assisting them. Within the span of only one day, they had lost over 100,000 men, it was definitely a heartbreaking thought. Now that they had 70,000 left, tomorrow might actually be their last.

This was not the only thing that they had to sacrifice in order for their army to survive another day, Roxi used up over 95% of their remaining missiles in an attempt to take out as many enemies as she could, but there were just too much for her to handle. With this, Baron urged her to get out of the tournament first as it was extremely likely that they would fall by this time tomorrow. She was reluctant to do so, but she finally gave in and handed her brilliant blue to Baron so that it may be used by someone else. Baron smiled reassuringly at Roxi as she forfeited the simulation and his smile faded almost instantly after she was gone. His mind was already figuring out who would be best suited for such a devastating weapon. In the end, he decided to give it to one of Meng Wu's men.

The very next day, the battle continued on from where it left off at the very first crack of dawn. Sadly, without Roxi and the missiles, the enemies got to Baron's camp at an incredible speed and the fight resumed to its full intensity. By midday, it was very obvious that Xuan Feng and the all-stars would be victorious by the end of the day. Coincidentally, commander Ke and the rest of his fighters were slain in battle at around midday as well and were completely overrun. An hour or two later, Zhang Da Zhi, Qi Ji Guang, and Ding Lai Hang shared in the same fate as Ke.

It would take another 3 hours before Baron and his fighters were finally cornered by an army of over a million men. Their brilliant blue weapons had run out of charge a long time ago and they had been struggling to keep fighting ever since. Finally, this was the end. Guan Yu was the first to fall, then Meng Wu, and finally Yue Fei. There remained only Baron and a handful of others that had finally decided to call it quits. They had lost, there was absolutely nothing that they could do to revert the situation. Baron was taken by a few men and escorted to Xuan Feng.

(XF) "Ah, Baron, it looks like we finally get to meet face to face just like you wanted." Xuan Feng greeted Baron who was now kneeling before him.

(BM) "Wait, you look a lot different from the last time." Baron was confused.

(XF) "The first time that our armies clashed, the person that had gone to hand you back is a bit of a trickster and likes to impersonate me from time to time. I assure you, I am the real Xuan Feng."

(BM) "Why did you spare me?"

(XF) "Well, I wanted to know if you still wanted to refuse my offer of trying out for our glorious faction."

(BM) "I still decline."

(XF) "Shame. Then how about you tell me more about that blue beam that seemed to deal so much damage to my troops?"

(BM) "I can't reveal what I have no idea of its inner workings. You got the wrong guy, I can't even begin to comprehend its complexity."

(XF) "Then who is responsible for it? Zhang Da Zhi? One of the Bair fighters? Who?"

(BM) "I'm unwilling to say."

(XF) "Fine, then we'll torture the truth out of you if you even know its secret. You can forfeit now if you wish and escape, but I know that you will not be willing to do such a thing are you?"


A few kilometers above Xuan Feng's position, the Bair fighters had finally decided on what to do given the situation.

(BG) "It looks like we finally agree on something. Give the orders to drop the atomic bombs." Biao Gong sneered as the words left his mouth. There were a few other hooded figures in the room.