

The silver haired young man was truly affected by the gloomy aura of the spoiled heiress as she was like an evening primrose, blooming with its last vitality and wilted by the morn.

She comforted her and after that Chun left the scene. As the people around dispersed after the failed pairing and the gloomy aura of the heiress emitted, the didn't notice a certain silver haired young man slipped out from the situation.

Chun didn't expect to be caught up with that legendary Pair that existed in this world but she just praised her luck while she walked towards the spot of the system.

Fortunately, Xuan went to an obscure spot that no one would see as the silver haired young man on an outsider's point of view could be seen as talking to no one, making her look crazy.

With no hesitation, Chun asked directly, "What happened to the side mission? The mission card revealed my three targets at the same time though the school chapter hasn't yet started."