

Sipping tea and observing was part of the task. Chun might be a little bit out of it but she still enjoyed this rare moment. 

In addition, she was amused at the 'battleground'. 


Silver white hair, dazzling scarlet eyes, long curled eyelashes that fluterred like butterfly wings, every sip of the tea was sucking with everyone's soul and melting their heart away. 

"I can't get enough with this," Dexer whispered gasped to the 'brain' of this theme. The intellective segment's setting was the product of Gai. Mind puzzles were his forte. 

To his right, sparse-to-praise guy, Feron curled the corner of his lips identical to the plastered face of the man beside him, "This was a surprise."

They did not expect this type of background. When it came to this area Gai was reliable. He was a perfectionist.