Visited by benefactor

That day the Xu family was visited by the very benefactor who saved them one year ago.

"Mr. Lu, what makes you visit our Xu residence?" Xu Jiang's demeanor was reverent.

Lu Mingyu, in a fine, black, custom-made suit, as usual, with two burly bodyguards stood stiffly around him; looked so noble and regal like a true monarch. His power along with his ethereal looks and made the people surrounding him feel uncomfortable pressure. He felt like an otherworldly aloof creature who couldn't be touched and could only be feared endlessly.

Lu Mingyu didn't say anything. He quietly glanced at Xu Jiang.

"Mr. Lu is here to discuss some matters with you." His side-man Zhang Li quickly explained.

Xu Jiang looked unnerved for a second but nevertheless, he fervently replied. "Why did Mr. Lu have to come personally? He could have informed me and I would have come to his office."

That man standing in front of him had the ability to shake the entire State in his name. He held formidable powers. Xu Jiang was this much wise as to never say something to offend him. Especially when they were also in his debts.

However, what Xu Jiang said to him was not why he did not want him to visit their home.

All he wanted was not to let his little sister, Xu Xinya, see this person.

She was at home.

He still hadn't been able to tell her that he had sold her to this man to save his father and the Xu family. Whenever he tried to tell her, at the last moment he couldn't summon enough courage to reveal that terrifying truth to her and shatter her innocent world.

He didn't want to see tears in her eyes.

He didn't want to steal her pure and innocent mile.

Xu Jiang quietly led that man to lounge while he silently contemplated how to make his cousin leave safely the house without seeing this man. He asked the servants to present refreshings. Soon he was engaged by Zhang Li.

Lu Mingyu was quiet all the time. Even then his silence was domineering. In his presence, their expensive villa looked like a peasant's dwelling.

Xu Jiang couldn't find the time to leave and make his sister leave the villa. He had to sit and listen to Zhang Li's words. While Lu Mingyu stayed aloof and didn't say a single word the whole time. His eyes were clouded.

Xu Jiang couldn't leave. He didn't want the other party to feel offended.

After all, it was stated clearly in the contract that he could terminate it any moment. In that case, the Xu family would have to pay a huge amount of money to him. If they were unable to do that, their company and possessions would be seized.

And that man didn't need that to torture them if he was offended.

He could simply order his men to wipe out the Xu family in one night with a simple gesture of his finger. No one would even question him. That was the kind of man he was. His influence and power far surpassed government organizations. He was simply unrestrained.

Until today, Xu Jiang had not been able to guess why he would mingle with them. True, his cousin was pretty. But a man such as him had no lack of pretty women.

Sitting down on the couch with his long legs folded over, Lu Mingyu's clouded eyes suddenly sharpened as he glanced around. But they couldn't find the person they came for.

A lopsided smile formed upon his lips. Yet if one looked closely, he could see how clam and insouciant his eyes were.

"Where is Xu Xinya?" He asked suddenly.

Xu Jiang was shocked. Not soon after, he felt a rush of anger. If it was someone else who had held such intentions and asked about his sister so bluntly, he would have shredded that man to pieces.

But this man was an exception.

He couldn't lay a finger on this man. He could only swallow down his anger.

If he did something out of line, what would happen to his family?

"She is not home" Xu Jiang could not hide the bitterness in his tone.

"Isn't it weekend?" Lu Mingyu glanced at Xu Jiang. He could easily see what that man was feeling.

Xu Jiang's fists tightened.

"Ms. Lu I hope you remember that it was stated in the contract that my sister must only enter your manor once she was twenty. I hope you honor your words." His voice was soft and didn't reciprocate the intense anger he was feeling.

After all, if that man wanted to drag Xu Xinya out of her own home in front of his eyes, he didn't have the ability to stop that; he didn't have the ability to protect her; that fact haunted him day and night.

After a long pause of domineering silence, Lu Mingyu said.

"So she is home?"

Xu Jiang felt a rush of helplessness. A weight settled heavily on his heart. He looked down and said quietly.

"She is upstairs."

"I wish to see her."

It sounded like a polite request. But to Xu Jiang's ears, it was like a cold, uncompromising order for knew he couldn't turn down that request then no matter how much he wanted. He took a deep breath and stood up.

"I'll bring her."

He was in a dilemma as he thought of things he was going to say to her. It was still too soon to tell her about her hopeless condition. He would only tell her that he is an important man so she must be reverent in front of him.

However, Xu Jiang never had a chance to warn her because Xu Xinya was already on her way down.