Wolf under sheep's clothing

"Huh? Her state has fallen to such a level that she can't even afford a chauffeur...?"

"Why are you crying about chauffeur? Don't you know earlier the Xu family belongings were confiscated? You need to get a car before getting a chauffeur. The matter is truly laughable... They barely managed to hold their Mansion. Other than that they don't have anything." Wang Yuefeng said in disgust.

"True... In fact, I had seen her coming out of a cab today..."

Hearing the word 'cab', all the young masters who had gathered here today had open disgust on their faces. After all, Springfield University only welcomed children from the 'Elite' society.

They had rows of flashy sports cars lining up...

Who would hire a cab?


"Well, that's what you get for fraud! Her Uncle was unscrupulous and greedy. You have to reap what you sow!" Wang Yuefeng said in a righteous tone.

Although the people acted like they were whispering and didn't want them to hear, their voices were loud enough and they were not far. Xu Xinya heard everything.

Shen Changying showed complicated expressions.


It was as if she wanted to speak up for Xu Xinya but was helpless.

Looking at her expressions, Xu Xinya almost praised her in her heart.

'Shen Changying, you deserve an oscar! If not for Second Master Lu who had exposed the evidence in front of me, I would have blindly believed your acting!"

Xu Xinya smiled faintly.

Xiao Yi's expressions turned ugly after she heard the accusations at her Ya'er. "Yi'er let's get out of here. This place is too toxic!"

"What's the hurry?" Xu Xinya smile faintly, surprising Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was usually emotional and short-tempered. To see her standing so coldly and firmly despite all the opposition from various sides, Xiao Yi felt like it was not her impulsive Ya'er.

Xu Xinya didn't give any time to Xiao Yi to get accustomed to her change. Instead, she glanced at Shen Xhangying maintaining her smile. "Ying Jie, I wanted to tell you. But since you were at Wang Xuefeng's place last night celebrating your admission, I thought I didn't want to inconvenience you..."

If Shen Chengying's acting was superb, Xu Xinya's acting was also not lacking.

The moment she finished, Yin Yu gasped.

"W-Wang Xuefeng, what did she mean she was at your place? When I asked you to accompany me to visit my parents, didn't you say you were feeling sick and couldn't get up from the bed?" Yin Yu couldn't believe herself.

"T-That..." Wang Yuefeng was suddenly exposed. he couldn't even come up with a nice excuse.

His stuttering affirmed Yin Yu's suspicion. She couldn't believe it. She glanced at Shen Changying. The look in her eyes was totally incredulous.

Finding herself in a difficult spot, Shen Changying immediately panicked. "Xu Xinya! How could you tell a baseless lie? Are you trying to purposely sow discord between me and Yin Yu? When did I ever tell you that I was at Wang Yuefeng's place?"

After hearing Shen Changying's words, Yin Yu paused in confusion.

"Xu Xinya, aren't you getting more and more shameless!"

"Wang Yuefeng has always been true to Yin Yu. Why are you trying to break them apart? What evil intent do you have?"

"Shen Changying was truly caring towards you and this is how you repay her?"

After various people spoke up for Shen Changying, Yin Yu naturally didn't trust Xu Xinya's words anymore. After all, Yin Yu never had a good image of Xu Xinya. In her eyes, Xu Xinya very possibly is lying to break her up from Shen Changying.

"Ying Jie never told me..." Xu Xinya appeared to be terrified of Shen Changying. Her eyes widened visibly as her pupils' contracted.

"See? I told you she had been lying..."

"Tsk! Tsk! Truly, she has no morals."

"To think that Shen Changying wasted so much effort for such an ungrateful person, I feel sorry for her."

Shen Changying and Wang Yuefeng had barely sighed in relief when Xu Xinya opened her mouth again.

"I-It's just that I saw the post from Wang Yuefeng last night. The background had the same setting as... Forget it. I shouldn't be saying this. I'm sorry Ying Jie, I shouldn't have assumed all based on a simple post." Xu Xinya bowed in apology.

Xiao Yi observed from the sideline, her lips curling up into amusement.

First, Xao Yi had wanted to speak up against others.

However, after Xu Xinya's fabulous performance, she was speechless.

Shen Changying, however, was infuriated. "You...!"