Chapter 8

Matt woke up feeling the coldness of the floor and a stiff arm. He moaned as he tried to move, but it won't budge. Something is laid on it. He peered with one eye and saw Belle's face. "Wha-Am i dreaming?"

He closed his eyes again and then in reality of what happened to him. "Oh, Shit!"

Belle moved closer to him burying her face into his chest. He stiffened. "Uh...Belle?"he tapped her on the back.

She murmured something unintelligible and moved away from him hitting her head on the bed's leg. She jerked upright "Aw!"

Matt also stood up and pulled Belle to him looking at her head. "Where does it hurt? Here? Here..." When he looked at Belle, she was staring at him dreamily.

He blushed and looked away. "Are you...alright?"

"What are am I doing in your room?" Belle was back to her snobby self.

"Don't you remember? Last night..." Matt trailed unable to continue.

"Last night?" Belle asked and flushed. "Last night I came here and slept in your bed." she groaned. "So sorry, I am usually like that whenever I'm sleepy."

He grinned at her embarrassment. " That's fine, I enjoyed it."

"What?" Belle looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

He nudged her playfully on the arm. "Just kidding."

She pouted her lips and rolled her eyes. "Just kidding,yourself. I'm going back to my room."

"Like that?" he asked. She looked at herself and covered her legs. "Nice legs,"

"Pervert," she blushed

He laughed. "As far as I'm concerned, you walk like that from your floor down he so probably I'm not the only one who saw those."

"Stop it," she covered his eyes.

He laughed again. "There's jeans on my cabinet. I'll go get it."

"No, I'll go." she said. "Turn around."

"Yes, milady." he turned around with a grin.

She shuffled in the cabinet. "This is too big."

"Try the shorts."

She laughed. "Your shorts are boxer shorts."

"Stop looking at them!" he scolded. "The khaki shorts is on the lower and the belt hung is hung in there."

After a few minutes, "I'm cool."

He turned around. "Fix your hair."

"Where is my ponytail?" she asked looking around.

"Just comb it. Here" he tossed a brush at her. "No go, everyone must still be asleep." She was turning towards the door when Matt stopped her. He grinned as she looked at her and said " Morning by the way."

She starred at him for a moment and grinned the unusual seen smile of Belle. "Morning." She went outside and froze. "Steve."

"Belle? What are you doing-"

"Belle, here's your ponytail." Matt said as he got out of the room and froze as he saw Steve. "Ah..."