Chapter 26

Belle froze as she stood outside her house. Okay...Something is wrong here, She doesn't know what was wrong, but her guy says something else. She debated whether to go inside her house or not. But she decided to go inside.

She opened the door to her house and went inside to look around, she closed the door. Nothing looks different. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. what? Gonna kill someone? She laughed in her head. As if i could kill someone....

She strolled upstairs and entered the bathroom. No one is there. She walked out of the bathroom and went to her bedroom, and faced a small puppy in her bed."Oohhh...what are you doing here?" she advanced towards the puppy and dropped her knife on the floor. The dog started backing away looking at her. "Are you scared? I'm sorry I scared you. Who let you in?" she carried the puppy in front of her and raised it just as she saw a glimpse of someone advancing on her on the mirror. She tried to scream but the sound was muted soon as the man covered her mouth with a napkin. She dropped the dog the same time as she felt unconscious with her surroundings.


Matt tilted his head still thinking about Belle. He has refused to have the drink Nathan was offering.

"I fight for the sake of love." What does she meant when she said that? Does that mean she loves him or what? He run his hands on his hair and started thinking again just as his cellphone rang. He saw the caller ID was Nathan and he frowned. "I don't have time for your games." he tossed his cellphone aside and after a few seconds, he called again. Matt frowned and turned his cellphone off. "What's wrong with him?"

He paced along the room and decided to go to Angel's house. He parked in front of her house and froze feeling something in his gut. Something's telling him she's in danger. He went out the car and opened the unlocked door. He ran around calling Belle's name repeatedly then froze in front of the her room seeing the bed with bloody white blankets and the figure tangled in its covers. He shook his head and started running to vomit on the bathroom.

"What happened, Belle?"