Chapter 28

Matt knew the drill. If he brings police with him...she dies if he don't...someone between them or they will together. At least Belle will have a chance to escape or something.

He left a note on the table where he will go and went to the place. It was a deserted house. He walked towards the porch and knocked. No one answered. He tried the knob and it opened with a deafening creak in the silence. He went inside and closed it silently and that's when he felt a cold point of the gun on the nape of his neck. He started to turn around. "Don't move." He stopped and tried to place the familiar voice.

"Who are you?" Matt asked trying to make his voice brave.

He laughed. "Belle remembered me but you don't? That's so sad, I was your biggest rival with dear Belle before. Wait, I wasn't even considered a rival since her eyes were only for yours."

Matt frowned trying to decipher the voice then his eyes widened with recognition. He turned around and saw him just as the gun was slapped on his head.


Belle opened her eyes and looked around. She froze just as she caught sight of Matt beside her. "M-Matt," she croaked with dry throats. There was blood on his temple and she tried not to cry but she burst into tears.

He shifted beside her and cooed her, "Shhh...shhh...don't cry. I'm here. He's not going to hurt you. What did he do? Are you alright? Do you hurt somewhere?" She shook her head. "Stop crying, Belle. I hate to see you cry."

"B-But you're bleeding." she sobbed.

He felt the pain on his head but shook it off. "It doesn't hurt, babe. It's far from my heart and my heart is with yours. As long as you're not hurt, I won't feel hurt but seeing you crying is hurting stop crying."

She stared at her and stopped crying. "I'm sorry. I was planning to d-do something..anything but before I can even try it...he drugged me and I'm tied here."

"Don't worry. I'll try to save you." Matt said. He looked around and he was tied by a chain which was locked by a handcuff. The one that locks the chain together was the one that encased Belle's wrist and ties her to that spot. He looked at around and saw small debris of wood and papers around. He's smelling! He gasped.

"What is it?" Belle asked with a worried expression.

Steve is burning us alive. He shook her head. "Nothing."

Steve entered the room, grinning at them. "You guys are awake. Good!" he was smoking that made Matt tensed. He looked at the two then sat at a chair.

"Why are you doing this?" Bella asked.

"I told you, it's your fault." he said. "You made me think I have a chance with you but in the end it was always him." he glared at Matt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that..." she trailed. "I always thought I make the right actions. I never showed I care. I never showed I'm interested. I never showed any responses with you 'cause I simply wasn't interested. I thought I made it clear."

"Yeah you did. And that's what make it worse." he shook his head. "You never showed interest but with Matt, you always does." He stood up and pulled out a knife out his pocket. He played with it.

Matt froze. "What are you doing?"

"Relax and watch." Steve said and approached Belle. She froze and tried to punch him but he was faster. He put her free hand up her head and pushed her on the wall, trapping her.

"Stop!" Matt shouted. "Don't touch her!" He jerked around trying to let his arms free but every move only does nothing and makes Belle's wrist turn around the handcuff.

Steve laughed. "So beautiful, isn't she? Why don't I damage just a few of her gifts." he trailed the knife's tip on her cheek down her mouth then her neck. He pressed a little harder and she flinched as blood dripped on her neck. She whimpered.

Matt shouted with rage. "Stop it! Goddamn it! Stop it! DO IT TO ME! Belle..." he was now on edge of tears, unable to help.

Steve stared at Belle's hurt face and then at Matt's rage and hurt. "'re destined lovers..." he trailed the knife again on her arm then pressed deeper. She shouted in pain just as she was able to push him away and his cigarette fell. It was just a blink when the fire spread like wildfire. It was all around and Steve panicked. He looked around and then stopped. He glanced at the two and smiled bitterly. "Goodbye..." he walked out and run away.

Belle coughed. "M-Matt," she called.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

She nodded and approached him. "We're dying."

He can't say no since it was plainly on obvious that they were then there was shifting. "Belle?"

"W-Wait," she murmured and coughed.

He turned around and watched as she tried unlocking the handcuff with a pin. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying. I can't lose you. I can't die right now. I'm trying to save us." Belle said. "We're surviving this together. I love you, Matt."