Chapter 30 (Last Chapter)

Belle..." he smiled at her. "Are you alright? Are you hurt somewhere?"

She shook her head. "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright."

"What happened?" she asked. "Where am I? How did we...survive?"

"Nathan saved us. He saw the note I left where we will be and you are at my house. You're not going back at your house in case there are more psycho's around that is obsessed with you."

She frowned as she remembered Steve. "Steve?"

"He's caught. Don't worry about it. Belle, I want to ask you something-"

"Belle!" her mom rushed inside followed by her father. Lydia gave her a hug and her dad stared down at her. "Are you alright, honey? Are you hurt somewhere? Your lungs? Can you breathe properly? How about your cuts? Oh my God! I'm so worried. Thank God you're alright." Belle knew what's coming after the worry remarks. She looked at her dad.

"Isabelle! How many times have we told you to have a bodyguard at your house? Look at what happened. What if Matt and Nathan hasn't come to save you? Do you know what that would've done to us? You're our only daughter and you're behaving like a child. What if-"

"Dad, I'm alright. Don't you dare ground me." she grumbled.

"I wasn't going to but know that you mention it-"

"No." Belle glared at him. "You're so not."

"Mr. Cooper," Matt called. "Can I talk to you in private?"

Michael stared at her and nodded as they went outside.

"Mom!" Belle frowned. "Can't you stop them? Dad will hurt Matt..."

"Why would your dad do that? He knows that if he hurts Matt, you're going to hate him forever." her mom said with a grin.

"Why do they even have to talk? It's not like they have something to talk about." Belle crossed her arms on her chest.

"Oh, they have something to talk about. Don't you know what that is?" Her mom asked.

She looked at her mom and shook at her head. "What is it?"

"It's a secret." her mom's eyes twinkled as she looked at Belle.


Matt and Michael sat at the living room and stared at each other. Matt sighed heavily as he perspire heavily because of nervousness. He has to do the right thing. He has to ask Michael for Belle's hand in marriage. He can't wait anymore now that he got a taste of how to lose someone you love.

"I think I already know what this is about." Michael said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"If you know what I'm going to say, why don't you just give the answer." Matt said.

He laughed. "Why would I? You have to do the speech first because Lydia's father made me do the speech before saying his decision. Go on, I'm waiting."

He sighed. "Fine then. I want to formally ask for Belle's hand in marriage. I want to marry your daughter because I love her and I know she do love me too. I promise to take care of her until the day that I die and I promise never to hurt her again. I know you don't like me for her because I hurt her before but I will never do that again. So, what's the verdict?" they just both stared at each other when Matt added, "Even if you don't agree...we'll still be married. We can go to Vegas and got married. It's not like we're minors so if you want a peaceful wedding and be able to walk with her towards the should agree."

Michael laughed. "Even if you didn't say the last part, I was going to agree. My daughter love you badly so I'm not going to fight the power of love," he rolled his eyes. "So I'm allowing you to marry my daughter because I know that you can take care of her and will love her for the rest of your life."

Matt grinned at him. "Do I call you dad?"


Belle stared at Matt as he did too. Her parents left already and they were left alone. Matt clutched her hand and grinned at her. "What?" Belle asked. "You look weird. As in real weird. Don't worry, honey, you still look handsome with a goofy grin on." she nodded as if thinking hard.

He laughed. "Do you love me?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously? You're asking that right now?"

"Yes, I asked right?" he countered with a roll of his eyes.

"Yes," she said plainly.

"Yes I am right or Yes you love me?"

"Yes to both." she grinned.

"I want to here you say it."

"Matt being picky, huh?" she teased. "Fine, I love you, Matt."

He just stared at her and grinned. "Good."

"Dude, you missed it. This is the part where you said I love you too, Belle."

He laughed. "Right, sorry, I forgot. Picky, huh? I, Matthew Dylan loves Isabelle Cooper and is now kneeling in front of her to ask her hand in marriage and she got no right to refuse 'cause she just said she love me to." he was now kneeling down at the side of the bed.

She gaped at him. "You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm not." he said and pulled out a small box from his pocket. He opened it and there glint a small diamond ring. "Will you marry me Isabelle Cooper?" he grinned. "I just want to remind you that it's not a question but I just wanted to hear you say the y word."

She laughed. "Fine, I'm being pressured to say yes. Yes, I will marry you, Matt."

"Because..." he prompted.

She laughed. "What do you mean because? Do I have to answer that to?" he nodded. "Because I love you damn so much."

Matt grinned and put the ring on her finger and leaned down to give her a kiss. "You're officially mine." he murmured at her ear.

She grinned. "Yes,"

He winked at her and smirked. "So...I want a football team."


this is the last chapter of the book.

Hoped that you guys liked the book