
"Hey Sophie"

"...Yes guild master. My name is Irene though"

"Oh...what happened to the last secretary?"

"I was deemed better qualified to handle any and all of your affairs regarding the guild by Vice-guild master Joseph"

"...I'm sure you are but are you not too pretty, whatever. Tell me my schedule for today."

"At 7:00AM, please grind at the lvl 480 abyssal demon lair to boost your level to around 20-24% of your current level of 471 until 11:45. At 12:00 PM, you have a sponsors meeting with all 8 of your current major shareholders that is expected to conclude at 2:30PM. At-"

"Stop, I understand. By the way, what is my current stake in the guild?"

"As the guild [Judgment] went public 3 years ago on the guild studio stock exchange and you sold most of your rights to the guilds income, you currently own 5.68% of the guild at the current value of $7.12 billion dollars."

"...right. Was it at 7.11 billion or 7.10 million yesterday? Don't answer that. By the way, you look a lot like one of my sponsors. Jeez...what's-his-face...the oil guy…"

"Chairman Bram van Vurden of Royal Dutch Shell Company, I am his daughter Irene van Vurden."

"Yeh, that's him. Didn't he try to get us together sometime?"

"If you mean when papa offered to host a vacation trip to one of his personal islands in the Canaries, then yes he did.

"Yeh, I think that was during the Red Dragon Prince raid. That place was just so awesome. I heard one of the guild historians found a red dragon egg and then class changed to [Dragoon]. I mean just imagine riding on the back of a-"

"SIR! Dragoon Turis is an exemplary success story for low level players but I think we should get back to your itinerary for the day."

"Ah right, none of you give a shit about the world anymore, only if it helps empower the guild. Even the Dragoon Turis account was sold for something like $10,000 to a rich kid in China. Continue then."

"Yes sir. After the sponsors meeting, you have a training exercise to teach to the guild officers starting at 3:00PM."

"Ah, the rich brats want a lesson. Teaching these silk pants always feels like pulling teeth. Seriously, people who have teams of professionals leveling their account while they go to school or whatever and expect to be taken seriously should just be embarrassed to play those high level accounts."

"...what are you trying to say sir?"

"Nothing, your majesty, if I wasn't [Astria]'s single most accomplished warlord to where no other guild would even try to compete with [Judgment] and the popularity, as well as the considerable income that comes with it, would you even spare a passing glance at me?


"Right and that goes for everyone else in this rotten guild. All of the friends I made at the start sold their accounts to you blue bloods. The rest of the guild is filled with professionals paid off of other guilds. Now that I stand at the top, what is there to look forward to anymore?

" blood you can call me and you are right, rotten you can call the guild and it's true, but what about you? Who took the guild public, who cashed in on the shares when the stocks went up. Where is your parents now Sorin, retiring in an estate in Beverly Hills. Who were you before this, a son of a carpenter who dropped out of high school? You were nothing before this…"

"Yea I guess you're right. I wanted to succeed. I wanted to show the world what I was made of. I wanted money, I wanted girls, I wanted status in the only way I knew how to do, now what? Do it again in the next game like you guys want, like I got contracted into. Well, no. My original contract stated that you guys owned my account but that expired yesterday. I am quitting [Astria] tomorrow. I will play the new [Heaven's Choice] the way I want without starting a guild or anything. I just want to enjoy the world the way games were-"