Welcome to Astria

Christmas Day

After spending Christmas with his parents and sister and giving them some subtle advice from the future, Sorin collected his pre-ordered VR Dreamset and logged in.

[Hello User]

[No Dream Account found. Would you like to create an account a Dream Account or upload an existing account?]

(Upload existing Dream Account)

He created a dream account yesterday as well as a new email through their site, because if there is one thing Sorin never questioned in his past life, it's the technological prowess of the company that is behind Astria, DreamTech.

[Please enter email address and password]

[Acknowledged. Would user like a pin?]


[Acknowledged. Please select a username]

Sorin thought of what he wanted to be in the game. He wants to explore the world, see the sights and experience all sorts of exciting adventures and quests.


[Confirmed. Please select application]

'It's pretty funny', thought Sorin, 'that there is only Astria available. That will change with its rise in popularity though.' (Astria)

[Welcome to Astria, Wanderer]

[Please customize your character]

In his past life, Sorin played as a strong hunk. He was 6'3 with long raven hair and deep black eyes with a chiseled jaw. He looked like an ideal bad boy and one of the reasons he had the nickname of 'black haired butcher'. 'This time let's change it up-...oh yea, pre-orders got access to the high-human race instead of regular human.'

As almost no one except game journalists and tech enthusiasts with too much money pre-ordered it. Being a high-human doesn't change much except some of the NPCs will open up to you more which would give the chance of acquiring a quest just a little bit easier as well as some other late game perks, but none that makes players that play as a high-human superior then playing as any other race.

This time Sorin created a 5'10 soft-faced boy with pale green eyes and messy blond hair. Sorin was trying to start fresh and if he made the same avatar, he would just be reminded of the world of domination that was his past life.

He hit [Accept] and was teleported to Beginner Island.

Beginner Island, or Misty Island as it is officially called, is the only instanced area with a limit of 100 people online at one island. Every island is the same with the same zones, NPCs, and starter quests to introduce you to the game mechanics. It is just that the island is small so if everyone was logged into one island, people would be standing on top of other people and ruin the experience.

As soon as Sorin became aware of his surroundings, he had a flashback to when he was starting out about 9 months in after it launched, he and a fellow streamer both stumbled their way through guides getting used to the new world.

At the same time, all of the secrets that lie in Beginner Island began to swim across his brain like a serpent whispering in his ear, to get stronger, to get ahead of everyone else. If he is the first to hunt the final boss at the end of the island he gets the [Hero of Beginner Island] title. If he hunts 1,000 wolf cubs he earns and loses racial affection for vampires and werewolves respectively. There is a weed you can steal from the merchant's garden that lets you breathe underwater, dive under the lake in the goblin's lair to find a unique ring that you can give to the Grand Mage to earn a special subclass. Etc.

Shaking his head to rid himself of such OP thoughts he looks to see that around him is the town square with a quest to talk to the mayor.

"Hello adventurer, welcome to Misty Island. Here is where you can find your road to greatness and legend. There are a total of 8 main classes in the world of Astria, they include: [Berserker], [Guardian], [Rogue], [Archer], [Mage], [Priest], [Summoner], and [Bard].

A berserker is a front line physical damage dealer that deals the most damage over time at the expense of range. It can use most physical weapons but cannot equip a shield. No one can best a berserker in damage per second (DPS), but watch out for status affects. Its main stat focus is [Strength] and its unlocked rare stat is [Rage].

A guardian is a front line tank with massive defense at the expense of mobility. It can use blunt one-handed weapons and medium to large sized shields. Guardians are great for lasting against a game of attrition, but may suffer to quicker opponents. Its main stat focus is [Strength] and its unlocked rare stat is [Vitality].

A rogue is a front line physical damage dealer that has quick burst damage, stun skills and high mobility at the expense of health and defense. Rogues use daggers and short swords. Rogues have skills enabling them to detect traps and to go into stealth to be unseen by enemies. Its main stat focus is [Dexterity] and its unlocked rare stat is [Agility].

An archer is a range physical damage dealer with the largest range of the 8 classes at the expense of close combat capabilities. Archers use physical range weapons. Keep enemies at a distance and do not let them get close. Its main stat is [Dexterity] and its unlocked rare stat is [Perception].

A mage is a range magical damage dealer with area of effect (AoE) skills, status effect dealing skills, and high damage single target skills at the expense of casting time. Mages are a versatile class when dealing any form of magical damage, but make sure you are protected while casting. Its main stat is [Intelligence] and its unlocked rare stat is [Focus].

A priest is a range healing/support class with some buff spells and defensive spells, lacks offensive capabilities. A priest is a must have class if traveling in a party yet be careful when going solo. Its main stat is [Intelligence] and its unlocked rare stat is [Faith].

A summoner is a range magical class that controls or summons others to help in combat. Capabilities of those summoned depend on a number of factors including magical attack and affection of those summoned. Summoners also lack mobility. Its main stat is [Spirit] and its unlocked rare stat is [Charisma]

A bard is a range support class that focuses on buffing allies while debuffing enemies. Bards have some offensive and escape skills, but lacks defense and health. Bards use musical instruments and their voices as weapons. Its main stat is [Spirit] and its unlocked rare stat is [Luck].

The user will level up by collecting experience (exp) by defeating enemies, crafting, or by doing quests. Leveling up will give 5 stat point for you to allocate

Equipment, skills, and items are ranked by the rarity system in the game: Grey (Common), Green (Uncommon), Blue (Rare), Purple (Very Rare), Orange (Legendary)...and so on.

Quest are ranked by from lowest to highest G to SSS. Some quests are dynamic in that they can only be completed during a period of time or have a limited number of people that can complete them. Some quests have special keywords to the title that stand out from regular quests such as repeatable quests that may be repeated, unique quests that are unique to the user, guild quests that encompass an entire guild, ect.

Quests can only be shared if the quest allows it.

The name and level of NPCs of Astria will appear in green if friendly, yellow if indifferent or guarded, while enemies will appear in red. Higher level NPCs can hide information from others until attacked. Players will have a small green diamond over their head visible to other players to differentiate them from NPCs. Players may customize what information is being shown at all times, including username, title, class, subclass and level.

Dying in Astria will result in a level lost and a drop of one piece of equipment and three items. The user will revive at the nearest discovered temple that the user has positive relations with. If you die again in the next hour, you may chose which temple in the world you want to be revived from. Lucky for you, this is a special island that protects those without a main class as well as weaken those who you would otherwise be unable to fight.

Skills can be leveled up by obtaining skill points (sp) through quests, through skill proficiency books, as well as performing certain milestones involving the said skill. You may view the skill milestones under the skills screen. Though do take note that no skill can be leveled up until you pick a main class.

Tiers are when a main class or subclass hit a milestone and receive new skills from instructors. When the main class increases to the next tier, the amount of skill points awarded per level increases as well as hp and mp.

One of the unique features of the world of Astria is the Subclass System. After you pick a main class, you have the chance of discovering someone that could teach you a branch of your Main class. You may level these subclasses up by switching from your main class to your subclass. Doing so will unlock more skills from the instructor that taught you that subclass. No more than one subclass can be equipped at once. Subclasses vary so speak to your instructor to find out more."