Arc 4.5 Queen Mother

'Wait, 001. Come back. I need you to look into what Team Protagonist is doing.' Alex quickly inserted before 001 truly muted her.

[Team Protagonist is separated into three different teams, each led by the female lead, male lead, and second male lead respectively. Right now, they are on their way here on a single carrier and in the middle of a meeting that's been going on for an hour. It's also the first time the female lead and the male lead have met. The second male lead is familiar with both of them because he is Taina's older brother and the Betelgeuse and Fomalhaut families are long-term business partners.

They are currently discussing the danger level as well as a battle plan for when they arrive. The female lead and the male lead seem to be disagreeing on something, while the second male lead is trying to be the mediator.]

'Interesting. What are they arguing about?'

[The male lead wants only a small recon team consisting of their most talented members to explore the starship while everyone else remains on the carrier ship awaiting orders upon arrival. The group awaiting orders would watch what is going on in the starship through the recon team's livestream so that they could prepare themselves for the obstacles to come.

Everyone agreed with that idea, but the female lead believes that the second male lead deserves to be a part of the recon team while the male lead suggested that the second male lead stay on the carrier with the rest of the troops as their leader. The male lead asked if she had a better substitute for the position, and the female lead was rendered silent. The second male lead is closer to the male lead than he is to the female lead currently, and he said that it is more rational for him to stay onboard the carrier thus settling the little lovers quarrel.]

'Hmm.' Alex didn't need to know that situation to figure out that Gu Yuan was most likely the male lead, Nile Betelgeuse. He always had to be an originally powerful man in the worlds they had been through, though not necessarily the male lead--just someone powerful. When she thought about it a little bit, she felt that the competition admins were obviously biased. She was stuck in cannon fodder or villainess roles while Gu Yuan always had extremely privileged ones.

There weren't many people he could be in this world, and even if he wasn't the male lead or second male lead he would still be a part of Team Protagonist since he obviously wasn't Tyler or Faust so Alex could guess that one of his missions or tasks would be to ensure their survival.

[Side Task 2: Gain the loyalty of the aliens. Reward: 250 points per alien (limit 10)]

[Side Task 3: Kill the aliens. Reward: 100 points per alien (limit 30)]

Alex let out a pleased whistle at the prospect of more points.

Since there were ten more hours before Team Protagonist arrived and two hours before Tyler and Faust would wake up, Alex decided to go and befriend some of her fellow aliens. Or, at least try to instill a sense of loyalty into the some of them before the female lead was possessed.

She leisurely walked out of the canteen humming a slow tune at the same time. The starship was too quiet for her taste, which made sense as every living human was either in a coma hosting the eggs of the aliens or just dead while the aliens camouflaged themselves with the walls and the rest of the surroundings.

Stopping at a nest of humans who were incubating the eggs, Alex observed that there were five of them. How convenient ah. Three of them looked as if they were about ready to tear themselves out of their host bodies, especially after they sensed her regal presence in the room. The chests of the humans were visibly stretching from the inside like a monster baby in a woman's womb, creating a ghastly image.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the three of them finally ripped themselves out. The blood of the hosts spilled out of the holes that the baby aliens made, forming little puddles on the floor. As if imprinting Alex as their mother (which she theoretically was, but not biologically), they screeched and gurgled towards her direction.

One of them had their arms already formed, but it had no legs, while another had only its legs but no arms. The last one was like a worm with no legs or arms yet, but they all had their spine-like tails jutting from the right spot. Their tails were wagging like happy dogs as they continued calling out to her.

Wow, this trip turned out more successful than I thought it would.

Pretty soon, the other two began to show signs of breaking out as well. Alex waited for them to burst free, letting them ogle and worship her for a few more minutes before stepping out of the room to look for older aliens. The entire exchange took no more than thirty minutes.

She only took slow steps at first as her body was still adjusting to fifteen days of sleep and malnutrition. However, after an hour, she tried running and jumping around which ended up successful.

Even though her instincts were telling her that as long as there was not another queen in the premises that no alien would act against her, she was still on guard against the adults she met. They were so large, it was only natural that she'd feel uncomfortable around them! They were mostly seven to eight feet tall and fourteen to sixteen feet long with their tails, so of course she as a humanoid alien would feel small.

They usually kept their distance, but she didn't feel any genuine loyalty from them. It was just something ingrained in their instincts that she was a higher being than they were. However, since Alex knew that the female protagonist would become the next queen on the ship, she wanted to at least make sure she had a few aliens under her belt. She didn't want much, since she knew that the female lead had her protagonist's halo that could overpower her in normal occasions, the "loyalty" of these aliens being one of them.

Alex had no real hope of keeping the adults since they were feral, but the babies were a different story. They had her engraved as their leader in their souls the moment they saw her upon their births and they would stay loyal to her regardless of the female lead's presence if she continued to douse them with her own aura. These children were to be her permanent army even after they matured.

She only wanted some drones and warriors temporarily so that she could send them to Team Protagonist once they arrived to poke some fun with them. Those adults that she managed to entice to her side were disposable as they'd just betray her later anyway.

Even if Gu Yuan was a part of Team Protagonist, she was pretty sure he could handle whatever she dished out at him. Hehe.

Also, even though she was their current queen in name, she had no qualms of killing the aliens she found visually displeasing or the ones that embarrassed her by giving her a fright (unintended). Furthermore, they provided her with free points in the end.

She just swung her Sword of Oblivion, slashing an especially ugly drone vertically in half. Thankfully, the Sword of Oblivion was made of some top-quality material that was immune to the acidic blood of the aliens, otherwise Alex would have seriously wasted it in this world. Her human skin and skin-tight combat suit, on the other hand...Let's just say she should change into a new suit before her two companions woke up.

Unbeknownst to her, her action of killing those "inferior" aliens not only instilled fear within the other drones and warriors, but also awe and true feelings worship.

The entire massacre and recruiting routine went on for another half an hour until Alex felt it was about time for Tyler and Faust to wake up.