Chapter 109: Dilemma (3)

He's thinking about Tia who was just at the other room.

He cant forget what he did earlier. The feeling that he hurt her but Tia enjoyed his actions.

He looked at his hands. He's scared that he might lose control and actually hurt his beloved Tian-Tian in the future.

Charlie noticed him spacing out so he asked him.

"What's wrong?"


Ian just ignore him. He couldn't possibly tell him about their activity.

He let out a sigh and drink his beer. His whole person looks so solemn Charlie was starting to get worried.

"Hey, should I call Kenny?"

"No, why?"

"Are you okay? Fucker don't scare me."


Ian continued on spacing out then all of a sudden he asked Charlie.

"What's your stance on BDSM?"


'This is what's bugging him all this time? This fucktard I swear to God...'

Charlie inwardly sneered then he replied.

"It's all about restraints bro. Being the dominant needs a lot of control and the submissives needs to know their limits."

Ian light a smoke a took a drag. He was thinking if Tia actually liked that kind of play will he be able to satisfy her?

His thoughts were filled with how erotic she looked as she begged for him to go deeper into her.

It's like something has awakened inside him. He drank his beer and pushed his dirty thoughts at the back of his mind.

Charlie also took a drag and out of nowhere he asked Ian.

"What do you know about TP?"

He figured, since Tia is dating Ian she might've slip of the tongue and say something about her friend.

Ian just looked at him with a condescending look.

He knows that Ian was inwardly mocking him for being desperate.

"If you don't know its fine asshole. No need to hurt me with your look."


"It's just, I want to know about her. We're dating but I don't even know her real name."

"If it bothers you so much, then why are you still dating her?"


Ian finally replied to him and Charlie couldn't help but felt embarrassed with his question.

It's true, his friend implies that he couldn't respect her wishes and privacy that's why he needs to be pathetic and fished out information from someone else.

Charlie change the topic and started talking about business. It was 12 midnight when their "Queens" decided to go home.

TP as usual wore her disguise before going out. She and Charlie went to their love nest.

Upon arriving at the penthouse, TP went for a quick shower and Charlie lay down in their bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Ian's question kept on repeating in his mind. It's like his words are haunting him.