Without understanding the reason for that action, Zao Tian lost consciousness.
Meanwhile, close by, a figure walked with expression of determination and apprehension in his beautiful face. This person did the same route he had been doing, incessantly, every day. This person was Ming Xue.
Ming Xue was going to try to visit Zao Tian. Despite being barred every day, Ming Xue never gave up and always came back. This time she carried a basket of fruit and food to deliver to Zao Tian.
As Ming Xue approached the Department of Punishment, his beautiful blue eyes trembled; his body was paralyzed as a pool of blood touched his feet.
The scene before Ming Xue's eyes was something that no young woman of her age would think of witnessing. The bodies of the guards of the Department of Punishment were scattered on all sides, a river of blood forming as it dyed the entire floor of red. Such a massacre was an extremely disturbing scene for Ming Xue.
Still shaking and imagining the worst, Ming Xue walked slowly toward the Department of Punishment, each step was hesitant, the fear of what she could see was increasing.
The Gate of Punishment Department was open and footprints were scattered everywhere; Ming Xue entered the Punishment Department and began to descend toward the cells.
The scent of death made his heart ache more and more; Ming Xue began to see the disciples' lifeless bodies, they were scattered to the mountains.
Ming Xue started down the stairs with a totally lifeless look, like a zombie walking automatically; On the last flight of stairs, before reaching the basement, Ming Xue stopped and was hesitant to descend; The hesitation lasted little ... Ming Xue squeezed the basket in his hands and started down the stairs ...
When Ming Xue could see Zao Tian, his hands lost their strength and the basket fell to the ground; the fruits, breads and other foods began to roll down the stairs, while Ming Xue remained frozen because of the shock; When she finally managed to do something, she opened her mouth and shouted,
"Ahhhhhhhh ..." That scream carried the deepest pain a person could feel. Even the heavens, angels, and gods would be moved by that cry of lamentation.
Tears flooded Ming Xue's face and she began to run wildly toward Zao Tian.
The cell was locked because of this, Ming Xue could not enter. She began to pound the bars as she gathered all possible power. But Ming Xue's efforts were useless, tears flowing as she desperately kicked and pounded the bars.
His hands were already covered in blood and wounds, but the only scene that Ming Xue was focusing on at the time was the image of Zao Tian, lying on the floor, soaked with blood with a dagger hole in his chest.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh ..." Ming Xue's desperate cries continued, she tried to open hers anyway. She then looked to the side and saw the bodies of the Imperial Guards, she ran to one of them and the moment she approached, she tripped and fell with her face directly into the wound on the chest of one of them.
But what would normally make her feel disgusted or scared did not have any of these effects; With her face soaked with blood, Ming Xue took the sword from that Imperial Guard, she turned and began striking the bars with her sword.
"Ahhhhhhhh ... You can not be dead ... It's because of me that you're here! Please ... I beg ... Do not be dead ... Please ... "Ming Xue pleaded as he hit the bars incessantly.
* Bang. Bang. Bang ... *
The blows continued and finally, Ming Xue succeeded. The cell opened and she ran toward Zao Tian.
In tears, Ming Xue jumped over Zao Tian and saw that he did not have any kind of reaction; The words 'please' 'please' were repeated as if they were a mantra.
"Mmm?" Ming Xue's lifeless eyes flashed suddenly. That was because even in such a desolate moment as that, a thread of hope arose in his face. The fact is, she managed to feel, faintly, Zao Tian's heart beat.
A mixture of joy and sorrow arose and Ming Xue was completely taken by hope; After using the sword to break the chains, she grabbed Zao Tian's body in her arms and began to run as fast as she could.
"You'll be fine! I'm going to take you to the Elders! You can not die ... Can you hear me? You can not die! "Ming Xue talked to Zao Tian all the way.
Twice, Ming Xue, who ran as fast as possible, fell. But even during the two falls, she could still turn around and protect Zao Tian so he would not hit the ground.
As he began to see the image of the 'Star Of War School', Ming Xue began to scream desperately:
"Help, somebody help me…"
Ye Zuo, who was lecturing in the open air, heard the cry for help; He recognized the voice of Ming Xue and together with the disciples, he went against her.
Ming Xue saw the figure of Ye Zuo approaching extremely fast. As if her strength had been exhausted at that moment, she gave a faint smile and said,
"Elder ... help him ... please ..."
After finishing, Ming Xue lost his strength and began to fall slowly. However, she did not hit the ground, because quickly, Ye Zuo had already caught the two.
Seeing the state of Ming Xue, Ye Zuo was shocked. She was covered in blood and had several wounds on her wrists.
However, what left Ye Zuo really shocked, was when he saw the state of the almost lifeless Zao Tian.
Ye Zuo did not stop to think and quickly led the two to the Medical Department, the 'Star Of War School'. Ye Zuo delivered the two young men to the Elders of the Medical Department.
Quickly, Zao Tian and Ming Xue began to be treated.
One hour later…
Two Elders from the Medical Department left and went to talk to the apprehensive Ye Zuo.
"Ye Zuo, neither of those two is life-threatening! The girl, despite being covered in blood, had only a few wounds on her hands, she collapsed due to the depletion of spiritual energy and some probable mental shock ... Already the boy, well ... He had a luck of the gods! The location of the puncture he had in his chest ... It was the only possible place ... that would not cause any damage to his internal organs. He lost a lot of blood but will recover quickly! "An Elder, who looked like an old man and wore a long green cloak, said to Ye Zuo.
After those words, Ye Zuo breathed a sigh of relief. He then said to the old man,
"Master Du Quian, I thank you for taking care of these two Juniors personally! I must bother you again ... and ask you to continue to take care of them. "Ye Zuo replied. Even Ye Zuo, who was highly respected in the 'Star Of War School', treated that elder with immense respect.
Du Quian nodded, and at that same moment, Ye Zuo left.
Outside the Medical Department, there were about 7,000 guards from the 'Star Of War School'. As he ran to the Medical Department, Ye Zuo gave orders for all available guards to report there.
Ye Zuo stood facing the guards and with a tone of urgency, he ordered: "All of you, we go to the Department of Punishment! I'll explain everything on the way! "
After finishing, Ye Zuo hurried and began to run towards the Department of Punishment.
While running, Ye Zuo began to explain the situation to the guards:
"Apparently someone attacked our De-Punishment Department. Two Juniors from our school came wounded from there! The evildoers should not be there, but you must keep an eye on any possible enemy that may appear! "
The faces of all the guards changed drastically and they accelerated their steps. A strong sense of urgency arose in the hearts of all.
Quickly Ye Zuo and the guards arrived at the Department of Punishment. When they spotted the guards of the Department of Punishment, their expressions were ugly and the awe that was stamped on their hearts could be reflected in their faces.
This was because the scene they were seeing was like a graveyard without pits, only bodies and more bodies of guards from the Department Of Punishment could be seen.
Ye Zuo pointed to a group of two hundred men and ordered, "You, see if there's any survivors here! Keep your guards up and report any abnormalities! "
Soon after, Ye Zuo pointed to five hundred guards and gave another order: "You, make sure the perimeter, do not let anyone, not even the students or other Elders of our school approach!"
Ye Zuo quickly hurried and entered the Department of Punishment. But the scene before him was far more terrifying than outside. The bodies of the children who were the disciples of the 'Star Of War School' were scattered on all sides. Even being a strong person who had seen the most diverse types of atrocities in the world, Ye Zuo still shed a tear of sadness.
The guards' shock was even greater, their hurrying footsteps interrupted, and they froze for a moment. No whisper was pronounced, and only breaths, strong and fast, could be heard.
"Do not stand there! Quick, check for any survivors! "Ye Zuo shouted to wake the guards.
The guards began to run from side to side, they checked cell by cell and corridor down corridor. But none of the disciples were alive.
Ye Zuo hurried and went straight to the basement. Before going down, he ordered no one to go there. This was because Ye Zuo had a strange feeling, for all the guards of the Department of Punishment and all the disciples were dead. But one person inexplicably survived.
Thus, Ye Zuo had the feeling that he would find an answer underground and that perhaps this answer should not be revealed, not even to the guards of the Star Of War School.
After descending the last flight of stairs, Ye Zuo, with only a single glance, partially understood the situation. The reason for this was because the bodies of five Imperial Guards were lifeless on the ground.
"These uniforms ... Are from the Emperor's Personal Guard! Yang Hao was in person here? But ... What would make the Emperor come here? "Ye Zuo murmured as he thought.
Ye Zuo analyzed everything underground, including the bodies of the Imperial Guards. He, who was already suspicious of Zao Tian, realized that all those guards were apparently dead while trying to kill Zao Tian.
But what Ye Zuo could not understand, it was how they had died, because it was clear that Zao Tian did not have the strength to kill them. Did someone help Zao Tian? If that were so, why did not he help the other disciples?
A flood of questions popped into Ye Zuo's mind, and as much as he thought of the many different assumptions, he could not come to any plausible conclusion. Faced with such a dilemma, Ye Zuo decided to clear his mind and decided that he would ask these questions personally to Zao Tian.
Ye Zuo moved his right arm in the direction of the Imperial Guards and a strong red glow appeared in his hand; Quickly, a strong stream of flames left Ye Zuo's arm and incinerated the bodies of the Imperial Guards.
The flames burned fast, and where the bodies of Imperial Guards had previously been, only ashes of charred bodies and armor could be found.
After getting rid of the bodies of the Imperial Guards, Ye Zuo pulled out two more large stone bricks and placed them in front of the two tunnels that had been dug into the underground walls. Ye Zuo was for some reason, erasing all the evidence that was underground.
Meanwhile outside the Punishment Department, guards lined up the corps of the Deputation Department guards and the disciples of the 'Star Of War School'.
Some of the guards remained strong and controlled their emotions, but others, they collapsed and began to cry of sadness.
Many of those guards from the Deputation Department and disciples of the 'Star Of War School' who had died were relatives or acquaintances of some of the guards who were there.
"Who had the audacity to attack our 'Star Of War School'?"
"Were those bastards from 'School Winds of Destruction'?"
"Can be! Who else would have reason to do such an atrocity? "
"Let's honor the name of our school and take the war to them!"
The guards of the 'Star Of War School' became furious and directed all their rages to the 'Ventania School of Destruction'. The most various curses and curses were pronounced by the guards of the 'Star Of War School'.
Ye Zuo had finally left the Department of Punishment, he continued to scan the surroundings and nothing was able to escape his perception. He saw some marks of footprints that had been left behind. Far away, he spotted what appeared to be craters, it was evident that they were created by strong explosions.
Ye Zuo came to the conclusion that there was a great battle there, but an intense battle like that could not go unnoticed. The sounds of the explosions should have been heard, but no one heard any miserable whispers coming from there.
Ye Zuo concentrated, and with his spiritual energy, he made a check of the surroundings. The spiritual energy of Ye Zuo was like a great radar, she traveled a great distance and gave one more answer to Ye Zuo.
What Ye Zuo could feel was a weak residual strength of the air attribute. Ye Zuo made a strange face, it was as if he had understood why the sounds did not propagate.
"Hmm ... Yang Feng's Sound Block Formation ... So there really was a battle here!" Ye Zuo murmured again.
While Ye Zuo was doing the investigations, the guards of the 'Star Of War School' were getting more and more agitated and the most diverse theories were being created by them.
"Those bastards from 'School Winds of Destruction' attacked this department first because it was the furthest away from the 'Star Of War School'!"
"Those cowards! They are trying to attack us separately and slowly, they want to undermine our forces! "
The guards of the 'Star Of War School' had already decided that the 'School Winds of Destruction' was to blame for the massacre.
"Shut up! Do not say another word! Do not raise unfounded suspicions! "Ye Zuo bellowed.
"But ... Elder Ye Zuo ..." The guards tried to argue.
"I do not want to hear another word! Do you want to take our 'Star Of War School' to a war without cause? "
Ye Zuo's last words made the guards feel oppressed. No one dared to say another word.
But Ye Zuo did not tell them to shut up without giving any explanation.
"The 'School Winds of Destruction' was not responsible for the massacre! This was the work of looters! They took everything that had some value! And also ... The 'School Winds of Destruction' has no reason to take such an attitude, so suddenly! "Ye Zuo explained.
"Let's take care of the wakes of our friends and relatives! Rest assured, for I will take care of the investigations in person! "Ye Zuo finished.
Though confused, the guards of the 'Star Of War School' decided to restrain themselves for an hour and followed the orders of Ye Zuo.
A few hours later ... The commotion took over the entire 'Star Of War School'. This was because the guards had finally arrived and along with them were the bodies of approximately two thousand and three hundred people.
Tears streamed from the eyes of those at the door of the 'Star Of War School'. The cries of the relatives and friends of the victims resounded throughout the Golden Province. Each one ran to a body and cried in mourning.