In an inadequately lit room, an orb of silver-blue glistened excitedly before finally descending on to the forehead of a dying sixteen-year-old girl. The sick child had ghostly pale white skin, and her body laid weakly on a well-dilapidated bed. A trail of blackened blood could be seen leaving her white lips and trickling down to her neck—a reasonable indication of poison. The dying child's black hair was laced with grime along with sweat, sticking to her perspiring face. As she uttered a slight cough, her body convulsed, and a few splatters of blood settled down on her right shoulder. As the fresh droplets of blood rolled freely down the side of her limb, they seemed to visit old whip marks and burn marks on the child's thin arms. From a simple glance, anyone could distinguish the pitiful soul only had a thin thread of life that remained.
Just hours ago, the poor girl was mercilessly flogged by servants in the manor who were secretly under the orders of her father's concubine.
In the grim darkness of the room, she struggled to breathe. Blood rushed out from between her pale lips like an overflowing river. The dark red liquid slowly ran down her chin, incorporating into the bed which was already saturated in her blood.
Another cough echoed softly into the room before being overwhelmed by the silence.
Alas, her eyes subsequently trembled as she took her last breath and her hand gently dropped limply by her side as she passed on to the afterlife.
The blue orb pulsed and impatiently glowed before it embedded itself inside the cold body. As a new soul rushed out from the orb and settled within the cold body, a sheer sky-blue aura encircled the body before disappearing. The child's eyes that once no longer held life suddenly snapped open, flashing a silver-purple before returning to its original pitch black. A cold smile adorned her face as the child glanced around at her surroundings.
What's this? Even the God of Death didn't want her to pass his gates?
Did he also condemn 'mixed evil' like her, just like the ones who killed her? How rude, and here she thought they were similar and even had prepared to meet him.
Oh well, she gingerly touched her face and let out a light hum.
No matter.
After all, she couldn't deny that this new body was indeed convenient.
A rush of clear memories of the former occupant overflowed into her head. As the new soul slowly absorbed the incoming information, a smirk slyly crawled up her face. The wise have always said that life continuously cycles in an everlasting circle, so it wasn't a surprise to her that she circled back around another time for another chance in another life. It would be more shocking if she didn't. It would be harmful to the sisters of fate if they were to accept such a willful and unwilling soul, yet it would also be a pity even if they did.
Those sisters must have not much time to play, she mused.
However, she did.
Thinking slowly, she started to recollect her new memories and thoughts. In this world, there appeared to be a usage of magic. Everyone in this kingdom had a least some type of power. It was too bad that the previous occupant didn't have much of any of this knowledge because she was treated as an outcast. The former soul was 'normal,' a being without any powers, thus shamed as useless.
The 'normal' was born in a high-class General's Manor. Yet, in the end, she was killed by a mere servant sent by her father's concubine. It is a pity to say that it was always the higher-class females who harbored blackened hearts. So, a simple child like a 'normal' never had the chance to live long within the household.
The ill child had lived in constant fear, always surrounded by constant mockery. In a place where having wizardry powers were regarded strongly important, a 'normal being' like her, had no chance to survive in a harsh society like this. Besides having no power, she was extremely ill and constantly getting sicker with each passing day.
'Normals' like her would usually be branded as slaves; however, her high birth title spared her from such fate.
Still—surrounded by people eagerly waiting for her to die wasn't all that different from being a caged slave working until the day they die. While always being set up by petty tricks along with petty minds might be a challenge to a clueless child. This was a mere child play for a bloodthirsty siren.
With a soft bitter voice, a promise was made, "Your name is quite nice, red (Hong) as in blood and everchanging like the moon (Yue). Since it's something of value, I shall take your name as the price for my gift to you."
"A gift so grand it'll shake the heavens. Something that won't be just an act of simple revenge. It's a pity your time didn't last long, Hongyue. I'll take your place for you," She murmured gently.