General's Crisis

Back in the Concubine Mei's residence, the general struggled with the deathly tight grip on his neck. He broke loose of his concubine's iron-like claws and stumbled back before slumping to the ground. Concubine Mei tripped from the force. As she missed her step, she slipped, her head crashing brutally upon the stone floor. A gash appeared on the side of her head, and blood gradually pooled out, dyeing the ground.

Orderly footsteps made its way into the room. The general looked up to see his guards running orderly into the room lining up to the right and the left side of the general. One of his head guards swiftly stepped out of line and came in front of the general. The head guard knelt down, his both hands coming together forming a sign of respect.


The loud shout usually brought him great pride, yet today the general winched hearing his title, never had he felt so degraded in his life. A mere crazy concubine was nearly able to kill him, a great general. What would be left of his pride?

On his neck were purplish bruises showing how serious she was on killing him. Along with the bruising injuries, his eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was disordered. His image was quite disgraceful. The general coughed in discomfort as he tried to steady himself in front of his own men.

After a short minute, he turned his attention to Concubine Mei. He glared at fallen concubine.

"Take her away!" He hollered hoarsely.

"Yes, my lord!"

The head guard approached closer to the General.

"General, do you need us to..." He asked, his hand on his neck, indicating a beheading motion.

"General, don't overstep your boundaries!" A sharp voice called out.

"Shi Yi."

Startled by the sudden new arrival, the general looked up in confusion. His mouth already formed the syllables to the name before his mind could understand what was happening.

"General, do not forget my master's agreement. You promised to cherish my family's lady or have you forgotten? Tell me, why is she covered in blood?" The new figure hurriedly entered the room. He was the high-level shadow spy Concubine Mei's father, Minister Rui, had given to him. Shi Yi eyed the general coldly.

"It was in my self-defense-"

Shi Yi snickered coldly.

"When my master heard the news from the Crown Prince, he couldn't believe his ears. It's a good thing he sent me over. Who knows, what this great general with constant accidental deaths and spies in his manor would do, if I have gotten here any later?"

The general paled, "Crown Prince?"

It hadn't even been an entire day, and yet news traveled fast.

"To be incompetent is one thing but to harm our lady is another. From this point on, Minister Rui's agreement with you will be dissolved," Shi Yi turned to leave, reaching for Concubine Mei.

The general swayed, his mind was in pieces. How could this be? All the work to get Minister Rui's support—wasn't it all wasted?!

"No, you can't do this to me! She went insane by herself. What was I supp-"

Shi Yi scowled.

"General Wei, I haven't even asked how she went insane in your manor, yet you have the guts to argue with me! Who gave you the right to do so?! Don't tell me an honorable general can't win against a weak lady."

General Wei opened his mouth, but nothing made it past his lips. He sank to the floor. His eyes dulled. Who was it? How did it turn out like this? Who was harming him? Clearly, the Concubine was just fine before.

After she went insane and grabbed him, he wasn't able to use any of his powers for some reason. He couldn't put the pieces together. His hands trembled in fear, but he held his tongue.

Shi Yi walked out, carrying the unconscious Concubine Mei in his arms. He turned his head back once more and spat out his thoughts.



As soon as morning arrived, an edict came for the General. The General clenched his hands tightly but passively got on his knees and accepted the decree.

"I thank the Emperor for his grace. This lowly subject accepts this honor."

As the general arrived at the palace, he could hear the other ministers already tearing down his name.

A minister stepped out before the Emperor and presented his thoughts, "Your Majesty, this lowly servant thinks General Wei should be stripped of his title."

"I agree, how can we call someone who couldn't even maintain his household properly, a general of our country."

Voices of agreement and discontentment rang out without stopping. They echoed loudly throughout the room. Meanwhile, the Emperor sat high above on his throne, listening with contentment. His eyes narrowed like a sly cat. His son, the Crown Prince, had disclosed yesterday's visit's details to him already. To be honest, he was wondering when to make the next move to weaken the General's power.

General Wei's authority had been growing too rapidly— far too dangerously. The Emperor glanced over at Minister Rui. While the loss of a daughter was dishearting, it gave him a great stepping stone. Now he only needed to wait it out and watch the general voluntarily hand over his own army token.

"The general has arrived!"

The ministers of the palace court quickly dampened down. As the general walked into the hall, eyes of contempt watched his every move.

He quickly got on his knees as he greeted the Emperor.

"This lowly subject greets the Emperor. May the Emperor live for a thousand years."

The Emperor waved his hand.

"You may rise."

"Many thanks, your Majesty."

"Do you know what you have done wrong this time?"

The general snapped his heads upwards.

Too quick.

Everything was spiraling out of reach, way too quickly. That hateful Minister Rui isn't holding back, stirring so much trouble in such a small amount of time.

No, his heart stilled.

What short amount of time?

General Wei was afraid this Minister Rui had been plotting against him for a while. He gritted his teeth and chose to play dumb.


Hearing his response, Minister Rui was enraged. "How dare you say no!"