Angering Him 3

"Oh?" His eyes gleamed with interest.

Hongyue rolled her eyes.

If this sort of poison could kill her, would she even dare to eat it in the first place?

She felt her toes gradually begin to numb as the poison took effect. Both her leg muscles spasmed violently, forcing her to collapse on the ground. She lamented wistfully while she laid paralyzed.

While it couldn't kill her, this body absolutely couldn't handle the pain.

Nonetheless, to reach her goals, she was willing to use anything or anyone, even herself. She underestimated the dosage of the poison.

However, Hongyue knew her second sister must have been prompted by someone to get rid of her quickly.

How stupid was this ChunHua?

First, she was to be used by someone else and now by Hongyue, herself.

Since the mastermind wanted to see her dead, Hongyue will gladly take the bait. However, the issue was: will that pathetic father of this body be willing to let her die in front of a prince?

It seemed as he was here to protect her. After all, she was supposed to be marrying into the royal family.

It looks like she still had some value. She tsked before she shifted back with a great effort to face the prince.

Throughout the entire process, he didn't even appear to be concerned. That was as if he had witnessed scenes worse than this before.

What a cold heart, she thought.

"You saved me once before. Whether it was for your own profit or not, I still want to thank you. I never got your name. I'll compensate you back in the future."

"If you tell me how you controlled your sister's hand and the teapot, I'll gladly tell you."


So he did notice.

She smirked coldly.

"Ah, now that I think about it...a name is just a title used to greet a person. Oh, I know. On the account, you snuck into my room while I was unconscious and dying, I'll just call you stone-faced pervert. Isn't it fitting?"

The third prince's hazel eyes clouded. Although he did sneak into her room while she was unconscious, it was merely because he was interested in her strange powers. How did he get rewarded with the title of a pervert? He fiddled with the handle of a nearby teacup nonchalantly.

"Last time I checked, your mother was from a clan that was centered around martial arts that could null other magic users' attacks. You were a 'normal' trash for 10 years since you lost your powers around ages 4 to 6. Your personality change is also unusually alarming..."

He glanced up to meet her eyes.

" who are you?"

Hongyue chuckled dryly.

"Who do you think I am?" She eyed him charmingly, "No, rather I should ask: who do you want me to be?"

Seeing that he didn't answer, she continued, "You overlooked the fact that I was also poisoned for those 10 years. Seeing how you know so much, you wouldn't lack this important detail in your reports, would you? I'm just naturally a waste who can't produce magic. I was even rejected by the god of death....after that, well, poison can do crazy things to the mind. If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself."

He didn't speak for a while. Nevertheless, his fingers tapped restlessly on the stone table.


A moment passed before he repeated himself.


Hongyue peered at him lethargically.

"About that, see, I like the name I chose better. Stone-faced pervert suits you perfectly."

Jiayi quickly felt his mood plummet.


Meantime, the general tried to promptly race back. He had knocked out both of his daughters to prevent further damage to either party.

In fact, he couldn't even spare any time to question them. He needed to get back to the third prince. He directed the nearby servant girls to send the two misses back into their rooms.

However, it seemed like today was just like yesterday.

Filled with bad luck.

He arrived back just in time to see Hongyue laying limply on the ground as though she was dead. The general instantly hurried over and grabbed Hongyue to examine her body. Even if he genuinely wanted her dead, this wasn't the right time for it.

His eyes quickly located the item she held in her hand. He snatched away the bread and sniffed it. He gaped at the prince in shock.


Jiayi frowned at him, then resumed to fiddling with his teacup.

"She's poisoned."

"This prince wanted to say that, but you seem to have beaten me to it." Jiayi finally responded.

General Wei gawked at the third prince in disbelief. "You knew?"

"I may be a prince, but I'm not stupid. Of course, I knew."

General Wei faltered, "W-why d-did-"

The prince eventually glanced up with contempt, "Why didn't I stop her? Is that what you wanted to ask?"

"Tsk, I'm a prince. She's your daughter. I'm not her babysitter. I'm just here to supervise how you treat the future princess, not help you. She was hungry. Since you didn't feed her beforehand, she ate something from the ground; thus, she's poisoned."

General Wei stood there, frozen in a state of shock.

"Why aren't you getting the doctor for her? Why hasn't the doctor gotten here yet? Are you disobeying my royal father? You fools aren't caring for Hongyue at all! She's going to die at this rate. This lack of respect must be reported to my father," Jiayi jeered, all while lazily fanning himself.

General Wei felt a faint taste of blood coming up his throat.

He nearly threw up the blood from hearing the prince speak.

Weren't you the one with her and allowed her to consume the poison?

How did it become his fault?

What was this sudden change in attitude?

He clearly saw the prince acting all protective over Hongyue before, but now what was this?!

However, this was the typical cold third prince he knew.

The general could only dazedly force the doctor to walk faster.