Sending Them All Dizzy

Deathly still on the ground, the fourth madam, was in a state of hysteria. Her eyes were wide apart with her mouth agape like a dying fish. Her mind spun in a circle as her hands weakened from despair.


Hongyue didn't have any powers.

She mouthed the sentence in shock repeatedly, her fists quivering.

Of course, how could she, in the first place? She shook her head, why had she been so careless today, to make a mistake like this? This behavior wasn't like her at all. She probably got tricked by someone behind the shadows. She whirled her head and stared at the servant.

That wretch!

She had been lied to by that wretch!

"Lord husband! Please listen to me! I got used. I was a pawn. This servant lied to me. I didn't plan for this at all," The fourth madam desperately seized on the rims of General Wei's robe, throwing herself on him. Her heart was hammering loudly in her ears.

"That wretch told me that Hongyue had secret powers. I worried about your safety so I-" The general kicked her aside harshly, stopping her pleas. He could still remember the hair ornament stabbing close to his heart, if not for Hongyue stepping in... he glared at the fourth madam coldly.

But her words still managed to buried itself inside his head.

Yes, what if she was telling the truth, after all, she wasn't the type of person to betray him. They had lived for so many years together as husband and wife; he didn't believe she was able to fool him all that time.

It should be noted that the first thing the General thought was not all the affections from all those years, but the chance he overlooked her. It appeared like he already held suspicion from long ago and needed something to confirm it, he looked over at the trembling servant girl kneeling behind him.

He motioned for her to come forward, his eyes narrowed to slits.

But how could Hongyue let an almost off-to-death little fourth madam get in her way, she charged forward with her eyes sparkling. She clutched onto the hands of the young female maid and smiled brilliantly, so brightly, it was almost poisonous to the young maid.

"Thank you, little sister! You came back just like you said you would... but why did you bring father here, too?" She asserted while tilting her head as if in question.

The maid widened her eyes and tried to pull back her hand. What was the eldest miss talking about? What was happening? The maid was in confusion herself.

Both the fourth madam and the general stayed frozen upon hearing her words.

To the ears of the general, it appeared like the fourth madam indeed planned this scheme out. His heart shook. Just like he had thought, she was a spy planted by his side! Now that she was caught, she tried to shift the blame on to a mere servant. His eyes turned cold; he wasn't going to let her go easy.

To the ears of the fourth madam, it sounded like she was being played with. This servant has probably worked for someone else already, and she was going to die today as their ploy. She gashed her teeth in hatred; she was unwilling to be killed. She clung on to the general even more, screaming that she was a victim and being scapegoated. She insisted that the maid was a spy and needed to die.

Hongyue's eyes glistened with amusement.

This was precisely the result she wanted. The more the fourth madam beg, the more the general would believe she was the one behind it.

A constant cycle.

She grinned.

She turned to the young maid in front of her.

Since you saw too much, you'll have to die.

This girl wouldn't live long anyway even if Hongyue didn't make a move, it would be better to die by her hands than that provoked fourth madam. Hongyue's eyes glanced over ever so slightly. Well, seeing you're helping me so much, I'll give you a way out. Turning back, Hongyue allowed the blood from her arm to trickle slowly down to her fingers. At the tip of her pointer finger, the blood formed a tiny sphere similar to a death pill.

Hongyue smirked ever so slightly.

Now to the finale.

Hongyue staggered up from the ground, her arms waving forward, allowing a droplet of her blood from the stab wound to fly into the shocked servant's mouth. Hongyue then inclined her head close to the servant's lips as if she saw something in the servant's mouth.

"What's that?" She pointed at the servant's mouth.

The maid in question fell to the ground. The general froze before he slowly reached down and felt under her nose.

"Dead," He grunted sharply before turning to the fourth madam.


The doctor greeted the general shortly after arriving on the scene. The general pointed at the dead body and ordered him to check her body.

As the doctor checked that body, General Wei's mind shook. He felt there was something he was just not getting yet. However, he calmed himself down and put on a facade of calmness, all while Hongyue observed.

She sneered.

Let's see how long you can keep that up, my~ dear~ father~.