Chapter 12- Assimilation with the Martial Source

Within half an hour, Wan Long's physical features returned to normal, and even some of his scars disappeared. His skin looked brighter and more supple than ever, and his rough skin became smooth. But his body was twice as tough as before due to the ice element martial energy.

"Urgh… finally…" As Wan Long woke up, he rubbed his head and got up. Though his movement was still a little uncoordinated due to the major loss of vitality.

He glanced at the block of ice that seemed to cower away at the sight of him. It would seem that after its martial energy was sucked away by the Power of Gluttony, the Mortal Asura Ice Source was afraid of Wan Long, afraid that he would absorb all its energy and stop it from evolving.

Well, it was half correct. Wan Long did indeed want to absorb its martial energy, but he wanted to assimilate himself with it, and gain control of it. If he could not obtain full control, then he would form a partnership with it, allowing it to evolve in the future, plus it could help him in the long run as well. As long as he could get the other ranks of Asura Sources, he could form the Godly Asura Source.

"Can you hear me?" Wan Long wanted to communicate with the Martial Source to form a bond with it and make it easier for himself to assimilate with it.

As if being able to hear, the Mortal Asura Ice Source responded by moving around slightly.

After getting the confirmation from the martial source, Wan Long proceeded to request a partnership with it. "Would you like to be assimilated with me? I swear on my name that you will not suffer, in fact, in the future, you will be able to evolve yourself once I get stronger. If I'm strong, then you will be too. How does that sound?"

At first, the Mortal Asura Ice Source was full of hostility towards Wan Long after he made the suggestion. However, after some careful consideration, it accepted the partnership, mainly because of the fact that Wan Long promised it that it would evolve in the future.

With this, the Mortal Asura Ice Source released itself for Wan Long to absorb, and flew out of its ice cover, fully revealing its true form that was a drop of black water, with a texture similar to tar.

The drop of water drifted towards Wan Long and floated in front of him. Following his instincts from the Power of Gluttony, he sat down and started to refine and assimilate with the Mortal Asura Ice Source.

Strands of frigid and deathly aura seeped out from the drop of water and entered Wan Long through his pores. A pitch black mist started to appear around his head and body, making him look like a wraith that came from the underworld. Ghastly howls echoed in the underground space and made it sound like the gateway to hell.

The Power of Gluttony worked its way through the martial energy and within a minute, all the martial energy in the surrounding area was absorbed by Wan Long and his cultivation increased to the Fourth Level of Body Refinement. His scars also disappeared, leaving his skin shiny with an orange luster. His physique also improved and changed from a mortal's body to the Ice Asura Physique. Wan Long was only able to know this as he acquired Long Er Du's memories and learnt all about the various Asura Martial Sources.

With this new martial source, Wan Long would be able to train and practice the [Elemental God's Combat Style] and his strength would definitely surpass all the others in the outer court of the Starsky Academy.