What's wrong with me Doctor?

  Before Avery had fainted, she saw the silhouette of a man running to help her.

     "Beep.  Beep. Beep... " was the sound she heard as she slowly opened her eyes as she woke up. Looking around she noticed that she was in a white room with white bed sheets, straining to keep her eyes open, she was about to close them back when she suddenly realized that it wasn't her room,and that she was supposed to be at work.

       She looked around again and then the memory of how she had fainted came back to her.

     "Oh my God!!...  She's awake" she heard Belle say. And before she could move her face to the direction of the voice she heard, she was roughly and tightly embraced by Belle, who she now noticed had been crying.

    "Don't ever do that to me again... Do you know how worried I was, I thought something had happened to you. You are always  indifferent about your health and the things around, you work too much and that has to be reduced greatly..." Belle said. And she was cut off by a man's voice...

      "Yes it does... "

  Then she slowly sat down with Belle's help to see the man who had already gotten to her side, trying to help her up.

    "Jamal? " she shouted with her mouth wide open and surprise written all over her face.. "What are doing here? Why are you here and how did you find  me? " she said all at one without taking a breath.

    "What's wrong? " Belle asked...

     "Well I thought he was your work mate or something since he was the one who brought you here". Belle added.

     "Wait... What!  He brought me here? " she asked silently. Then Belle nodded

     Then Jamal finally talked... "Why did you leave that day without even a good bye or at least a number? "


    "Were you expecting me to stay after what had happened that night?" Avery retorted. Seeing that what they were saying was about to get personal, Belle quietly left, giving them some privacy.

    "What had happened...You know what I'll just call the doctor instead of starting a fight with you " He said in a normal tone, she was getting annoyed at the fact that he wasn't shouting at her.

   "There's nothing wrong with me, I'm fine and I'd love to go back to work now" she said trying to remove the tubes connected to her hand.

     He moved closer to her and said in a serious voice "You'll stay here till the doctor comes or I'll carrying you over my shoulder, take you to that chair over there and spank you till you know that you are not to disagree with me". He said pointing to the chair at the other side of the room.

     Listening to him say that, she was feeling horny, and unfortunately even though she'd like that she decided to stay so she could check herself by the doctor and finally cut ties with him. She looked at him as he stretched across her to press the button that would automatically call the doctor, she could feel his body on her, it took her back to that night, she could also smell his aftershave and his scent, she didn't know know what it was but it was intoxicating.

     After a couple of minutes the doctor walked in with some files in his hands.

"How are you feeling Mrs King? " the doctor asked smiling at her.

    She didn't know why but she didn't correct him. She just wanted to know if she was fine so she could leave

    "Yes Dr Bucks,  can you tell us what's wrong with her is she fine? Jamal asked giving the doctor his full concentration.

"Yes doctor can you tell me what's wrong with me, because I don't feel sick at all at the moment..."She asked

      "Well you are not sick Mrs King " The doctor responded.

Ahhh,  She sighed softly with relief, she had a lot of work to get back to and she definitely didn't want to go on a leave.

   "OK Doctor, but what's going on?, what's wrong with me?, why did I faint then,and I've been feeling very dizzy recently, do I have a bug or something? " She asked the doctor, with her eyes wide open.

    "What do you feel about having kids" he asked


        "I don't like kids they are so clingy, they always need attention and I definitely don't need that right now especially with my career,  you can judge me but I don't care, I just don't want them, what do I feel about kids? what has that got to do with anything though doctor?"She asked.

     "I'm sorry to say this then.. But Mrs King you are pregnant. Four weeks to be precise, you have to be very careful now since you're still in the critical stage of your trimester, you need a lot of rest, you need to eat more, get your iron levels up,eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, you'd start craving for a lot of things now, it's very normal, come back to the hospital for your prenatal checkups, have a nice day Mr & Mrs King. " the doctor said leaving Avery with a shocked face.